Activity for leopard-webkit

  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel posted a comment on ticket #121

    Well, no idea about the API the Safari IOS app uses for interfacing with the WebKit frameworks. For Leopard I "only" needed to maintain the classic WebKit Objective-C API compatible with the Safari application - no WebKit2 APIs fortunately. There were rather few point where I had to do something user interface related, since the user interface is almost entirely provided by the application which uses the WebKit API for rendering web pages.

  • yutzhead yutzhead modified a comment on ticket #121

    Supposing that WebKitView would build with the present patches for --ios-device, the main point here would be porting the user interface, a task virtually identical in scope to the patching of the Leopard/Snow Leopard interfaces into the WebKit source code?

  • yutzhead yutzhead modified a comment on ticket #121

    Supposing that WebKitView would build with the present patches for --ios-device the main point here would be porting the user interface, a task virtually identical in scope to the patching of the Leopard/Snow Leopard interfaces into the WebKit source code?

  • yutzhead yutzhead posted a comment on ticket #121

    So to build it for --ios-device would require porting the user interface, a task virtually identical in scope to the patching of the Leopard/Snow Leopard interfaces into the WebKit source code?

  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel posted a comment on ticket #121

    Well, I've got no idea at all. I bet it would take many months to get anything to even launch at all.

  • yutzhead yutzhead created ticket #121

    Webkit for iOS 5?

  • Sergey Fedorov Sergey Fedorov posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Yeah it would be great to see the project resumed.

  • Roman Melnychuk Roman Melnychuk posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Tobias, did you get my message - Me donating my G5 Quad to you, so you can continue Leopard-Webkit updates ?

  • Jean-Jacques GUILLEMAUD Jean-Jacques GUILLEMAUD created ticket #120

    Too many https incompatibilities

  • m m posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Hi @internetzel do you have an IRC channel on freenode? Also, I would like you to join these two discord servers. (I do not know if you know discord. It is a service to join other people in interesting (depends) project communities. An account is needed but only an email and a passowrd is required.) The first one is about powerpc in general, while the second one is about "Macintosh development" so Mac OS X (powerpc and intel) dev. included....

  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    I don't know the current state because I haven't been using leopard-webkit for some time. But I used to relink the Leopard Mail application using the relink droplet and that way could still connect reasonably well to a variety of e-mail services. Gmail needed to have improved connection security switched off for Leopard Mail to be able to connect.

  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel modified a comment on discussion General feedback

    Plain old internet has become enormously complicated over the decades - and unfortunately I'm not working any longer on leopard-webkit. My iMac G5 has died some time ago...

  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Plain old internet has become enormously complicated over the decades - and unfortunately I'm not working any longer on leopard-webkit.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Hey Dev, thanks so much for creating this! I am still using my G5 PPC Mac and for the longest time I could not sure the internet! If I had not found this I would be SOL!!!! Thanks so much for keeping the PPC alive!!!!

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Sad to see this will be an end, thx for ur work anyway. Do u have an idea how this will be affecting Mail from Leopard? Because Ten4Fox has no email and the last seamonkey-port here on SF is quite outdated too. Thx a lot, and have a happy new year, stay healthy.

  • Alex S. Alex S. posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Hey, when is the next update coming out? There are still some websites that I can not visit. I never thought the day would come where my old web browser could not sure the plain old internet! Stupid!

  • Alex S. Alex S. posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Don't know why that says Anonymous... I am logged in!

  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Well, I have been collaborating with Cameron Kaiser in his TenFourFox project - especially with the Altivac enhancements. Unfortunatelay it's quite difficult to use a different TLS library in WebKit on OS X because WebKit itself doesn't use TLS directly but indirectly via OS framework interfaces. Generally WebKit uses OS interfaces whereever possible while Firefox uses its own code whereever possible. That way WebKit is deeply integrated into the OS, making it particularly difficult to replace something...

  • Miles Raymond Miles Raymond posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Have you considered working with Cameron Kaiser? I think he has already updated some of the TLS libraries for use in TenFourFox and I believe he has even added Altivec preformance enhacements. Or maybe I'm remembering wrong, because I can't seem to find his blog post about it. Either way, it shouldn't hurt to check in with him.

  • Roger Hodge Roger Hodge posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Oh, That's sad to hear. Thanks for all your work... ;)

  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel modified a comment on discussion General feedback

    No update in the works. I had the 605 merge halfway done but never finished it. I fear this is the end of Leopard WebKit - the biggest problem being in fact the lack of modern TLS cipher suites, making more and more sites inaccessible. While updating the WebKit core would be feasible (for me), updating the TLS cipher suites would be a project of its own.

  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    No update in the works. I had the 605 merge halfway done but never finished it. I fear this is the end of Leopard WebKit - the biggest problem being in fact the lack of modern TLS cipher suites, making more and more sites inaccessible.

  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Yes, it's dead unfortunately.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    hello Yes, the same problem.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    I'm just curious, is development for this browser dead?

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Me too, i'm interested in a 605 also, or is 604 the end of the line? A short info about future works are appreciated. Thx and a nice Christmas time ...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    sad to see this port seams dead at all ...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    leopard webkit 604.5.6 latest doesn't want to open new tabs after opening??? how do I fix this.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    what is the fix for no tabs issue?

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Hi, More and more frequently, I cannot access some https web sites using WebKit-604.5.6_2-Leopard-PowerPC, with an error message such as "Safari cannot open the page « » because Safari cannot establish a secure connection to server « ». I can still access those sites using TenFourFox7450-FPR18, but TenFourFox is sooooo much slower than WebKit that it is a real pain. Webkit has not been updated for the last 18 months. => Any hope of getting...

  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    The problem with https (TLS) is the lack of modern secure ciphers. Leopard WebKit did come with the latest ciphers Apple shipped with later versions of OS X but unfortunately Apple had switched to an entirely different TLS stack some years ago leaving us without any code to backport (in fact only because of that switch the old code was open sourced by Apple and made possible updating the TLS stack used in Leopard WebKit at all).

  • Roger Hodge Roger Hodge posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Developer still updating for PPC? Thanks for your work... ;)

  • Wayne Sadler Wayne Sadler posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Hi - will there be another update in the pipeline for this year, or maybe 2020? All the best.

  • Roger Hodge Roger Hodge posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Seem it was a google issue. Working now... :)

  • Roger Hodge Roger Hodge modified a comment on discussion General feedback

    I tried disabling all extensions and adblockers. When I click on the box, nothing pops up. It just keeps on spinning. I've found no way to get it to work. So, this is a big problem for me as no other way to continue. Anyone having this problem? I'm using the latest version of Leopard webkit relinked.

  • Roger Hodge Roger Hodge posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    I tried disabling all extensions and adblockers. When I click on the box, It doesn't load the images. It just keeps on spinning. I've found no way to get it to work. So, this is a big problem for me as no other way to continue. Anyone having this problem? I'm using the latest version of Leopard webkit relinked.

  • Mike Cravens Mike Cravens posted a comment on ticket #113

    Thanks, I'll check them out. Mike Cravens Managing Partner Analytics, SEO, and PPC Southwest Digital Media (214) 240-5148 (972) NET-SEO1 On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 6:48 PM Ken Cunningham wrote: I would be interested in helping with this as well. Having a little trouble getting started, mostly through my inertia :> In the meantime, you can try running TenFourFox intel version

  • Ken Cunningham Ken Cunningham posted a comment on ticket #113

    I would be interested in helping with this as well. Having a little trouble getting started, mostly through my inertia :> In the meantime, you can try running TenFourFox intel version or I have some success with epiphany and webkit2-gtk on macports (there is an occasional force-reload that looks fixable, but so far, not fixed ...) . Also, FireFox version 45.0.9 ESR is still somewhat usable on many websites (major news sites,...

  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel posted a comment on ticket #113

    Chances are good that the instability of Safari 5.0.5 on 10.6.8 is mainly caused by the WebKit version coming with it. Did you also test Safari 5.0.5 running with Leopard WebKit 537?

  • David Winterburn David Winterburn modified a comment on ticket #113

    Thanks for the info. It makes sense. I share some of your issues. How did you get the VM setup? I amd running a Mac Pro 1,1 with Snaow Leopard, as well as two other Snow Leopard Macs here, and have browser issues. Mike Cravens Managing Partner Analytics, SEO, and PPC Southwest Digital Media (214) 240-5148 (972) NET-SEO1

  • Mike Cravens Mike Cravens posted a comment on ticket #113

    Thanks for the info. It makes sense. I share some of your issues. How did you get the VM setup? I amd running a Mac Pro 1,1 with Snaow Leopard, as well as two other Snow Leopard Macs here, and have browser issues. Mike Cravens Managing Partner Analytics, SEO, and PPC Southwest Digital Media (214) 240-5148 (972) NET-SEO1 On Tue, Oct 9, 2018 at 9:20 AM David Winterburn wrote: Due to the fact that Safari 5.0.5 is completely unstable and...

  • David Winterburn David Winterburn posted a comment on ticket #113

    Due to the fact that Safari 5.0.5 is completely unstable and frequently (multiple times an hour) causes total system failures under OS X 10.6.8 (on core2duo, i5 and i7 systems), i stopped working on Snow Leopard webkit. Apple clearly did not test Safari 5.0.5 on later OS releases (such as 10.6.8) and later hardware platforms. They instead relied on Safari 5.1.x which works fine. However porting this webkit to the new Safari architecture is far beyond what time and resources i have available, and...

  • Mike Cravens Mike Cravens posted a comment on ticket #113

    Where is this at? I would like to see Snow Leopard supported on Power Mac 64 bit Intel OSX 10.6.8. I can test, or, eventually, build.

  • leopard-webkit leopard-webkit released /Security framework/Leopard/Universal/Security.framework.tar.bz2

  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel modified a wiki page


  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel modified a wiki page


  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel modified a wiki page


  • David Morrison David Morrison modified a comment on discussion General feedback

    Tobias, when you say a couple of hours a week, what sort of things need to be done. Is this just a case of grabbing the latest sources, recompiling and testing? Or is there editing of changes into files required? What sort of issues do you come across? Are the issues you come across for Power PC different to what would happen for Intel? Or since Snow Leopard has Rosetta, could the PPC version be used? (No I am not a Mac developer, but I do have Xcode installed on my Snow Leopard machine. And I am...

  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel modified a wiki page


  • David Morrison David Morrison modified a comment on discussion General feedback

    Tobias, when you say a couple of hours a week, what sort of things need to be done. Is this just a case of grabbing the latest sources, recompiling and testing? Or is there editing of changes into files required? What sort of issues do you come across? Are teh issues you come across for Power PC different to what would happen for Intel? Or since Snow Leopard has Rosetta, could the PPC version be used? (No I am not a Mac developer, but I do have Xcode installed on my Snow Leopard machine. And I am...

  • David Morrison David Morrison modified a comment on discussion General feedback

    Tobias, when you say a couple of hours a week, what sort of things need to be done. Is this just a case of grabbing the latest sources, recompiling and testing? Or is there editing of changes into files required? What sort of issues do you come across? Are teh issues you come across for Power PC different to what would happen for Intel? (No I am not a Mac developer, but I do have Xcode installed on my Snow Leopard machine. And I am sick of having to fight with browsers becasue theya re too old!)

  • David Morrison David Morrison posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Tobias, when you say a couple of hours a week, what sort of things need to be done. Is this just a case of grabbing the latest sources, recompiling and testing? Or is there editing of changes into files required? What sort of issues do you come across? (No I am not a Mac developer, but I do have Xcode installed on my Snow Leopard machine.)

  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel modified a wiki page


  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Those missing files should be created by applying the patch. Maybe you forgot to use '--strip 3' instead of '--strip 2'?

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Trying to follow the instructions for building the Security framework, I can't seem to get the projects to find their headers. The first problem I run into is failure to install headers for libsecurity_comcryption and libsecurity_cryptkit (note that these are the two subprojects where the instructions specify to checkout trunk rather than a tag). I get this kind of error for beoth of them: xcodebuild: Warning: configuration Deployment is not in the project. Building default configuration. === INSTALL...

  • Vasantha Crabb Vasantha Crabb posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    I decided to have a go at building the latest for Snow Leopard (just for personal use), but the instructions here are apparently outdated - it says at the top that modified GCC 6 is required, but provides no hints on how to use it. I have MacPorts GCC 6 and clang 5 installed. Is it possible to use one of these compilers to build WebKit? Also, assuming I can follow the instructions and build WebKit and Security projects (the instructions look kinda scary), how do I go about using them? I don't see...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Hi there, great work, thanks a lot. Would you be so kind to compile a version for Intel based Macs? I have an oldish, and still very efficient for what I do, Core Solo Intel PowerMac (one of the first Intel machines) and your solution is what we need for these computers. Thanks in advance, and all the best from France!

  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Thanks! Yes, a 32 bit Intel Snow Leopard build is indeed needed - but there's still missing some volunteer to get it built and tested on Snow Leopard. I simply don't own any machine capable of running it. I hope work on the Snow Leopard build will start again soon! Tobias

  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Well, in case it is listed as an Intel application it must have loaded the version of the WebKit frameworks currently installed; the "About Safari" window might reveal which version of WebKit is being used; in case of Leopard WebKit 601 it should show "601+" where mine Version 5.0.6 (5533.22.3, 603+) says "603+", though I don't know whether Safari 5.1 does this the same way as Safari 5.0.6 did.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Hi Tobias First i am so glad you are taking the time and effort to do this work. Apple should have done it, and it is so good you did instead. I just found this when looking into what i need to do to keep my snow leopard and leopard systems going. Switching to yosemite was something i really do not want to do at all. I have 2 systems here for testing etc and running vmare virtual machines of every linux i can find for testing my software, and this project justr saved me from having to switch or switch...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Hi, I would love to try, but the Leopard (10.5.8) Intel version. Would it be possible to compile that version too? Great work btw.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Vielleicht wäre es mal hilfreich hinzuzufügen, dass diese Version NICHT auf Snow Leopard lauffähig ist. Das wäre dann aber wohl ein unzumutbarer Mehraufwand. Alta Schwede, arme Welt.

  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Thanks for the offer - but as I don't have any 10.6 compatible system I cannot even produce any beta build for 10.6 . And it's simply too much for one single person, maintaining a build for both 10.5 and 10.6 .

  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Out of curiosity; why don't you upgrade to 10.6.8? 601 is PowerPC only so you're running it in Rosetta (emulated PowerPC G4 CPU).

  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Hi David, that's really great news! A couple of hours per week should be sufficient. So please create s sourceforge account so we can get in contact directly and also use the ticket system here. Best Regards, Tobias Netzel

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Sorry! The 601 version is working fine (inel 10.5.8). And it just flies, WOW. (602 - icon in the dock just bounces for few times and won't start at my system)

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Hi Tobias, I'd be happy to help you beta test a 10.6 build - I really need this (so may sites now require more modern security frameworks - requiring me to use Firefox more and more - plus your current 10.6 build has annoying display issues and is very cash prone as well). What's involved? Please note that I have no idea how to build from source code - all I can do is test any build you supply.

  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Im Dateinamen steht "Leopard-PowerPC". Auf der "Summary"-Seite steht OS X 10.5 PowerPC und dass Freiwillige für ein Wiederbeleben der Snow-Leopard-Version benötigt werden (ich selber besitze nur PowerPC-Macs, einen G4 und einen G5). Es gibt natürlich alte Versionen, die zwar unter Snow-Leopard laufen, aber so alt sind, dass es besser ist, nicht darauf hinzuweisen. Das letzte verbliebene "(Snow)" aus dem Untertitel des Projekts wollte ich noch nicht streichen, da ich immer noch die Hoffnung habe,...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Is that so? Because under Activity Monitor Webkit is labeled as Intel kind. So it is not accurate probably. Yet still faster (or at least it seemed) than any other browser i tried. I have an old Pentium4 based PC around so I am toying with OSX on it and leopard seems the last mac system to run on it. So please focus your work on the ppc versions or the snow leopard one, as those are ones that are really needed :) Have a nice day

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Are there any updates? I'm looking to run this on an iMac running 10.6.8 (it's an '06 model that doesn't support anything newer than Lion). Thanks!

  • David Winterburn David Winterburn posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Hi Tobias OK i have an account, i will set up a 10.6 machine for testing this week and see if i have a spare laptop to build a 10.5 intel dev and test machine for this as well. David W

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Does this work on a Intel Mac running 10.5x? I have a 10.6 Intel machine right now and am debating about rolling back to 10.5 to get a current browsers. Thank you.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Hi there, i dont have knowledge of development but i have Mac Pros Intel 2006 2008 2009 running Leopard and Snow Leopard, i have Power Macs G5 single and dual Processors runnning Leopard too, and i have PowerBooks G4 1,33 and 1,5 GHz running Leopard, so if you need help on testing the software and receive how it works and feels on those Machines i can colaborate too, maybe 2 hours each day from monday to friday. thanks for bring modern Webkit to Leopard and Snow Leopard.

  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    As David experienced serious bugs with extensions in Safari 5.0.5 in 10.6.8 (latest version using the legacy WebKit which is backported by this project), he has appearently lost interest in continuing the Snow Leopard port.

  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    It should work - but currently only using Rosetta (PowerPC emulation). I haven't been doing native Intel builds for some years now.

  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    It should work - but currently only using Rosetta (PowerPC emulation). I haven't been doing native Intel builds for some years now.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Does this work on a Intel Mac running 10.5x? I have a 10.6 Intel machine right now and am debating about rolling back to 10.5 to get a current browsers. Thank you.

  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Hi! I did use it with admin accounts exclusively, and on my two Macs I didn't have any such problem yet. And you don't get any error dialog?

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Latest version is fantastic! So faster and smoother , I am now able to watch 360p YouTube again from the main desktop

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Hi Tobias! I have been following WebKit for Leopard for years, even if I don't use it much, and never was able to relink anything through my admin account... Last week I had to use a lot my old G5 and finally got the idea to try relinking through the Root user and it worked! (did Mail and Safari) Is it normal behaviour? If so, you should mention it in the readme. What happens when I attempt to relink from my admin account: the script goes on and duplicate the app but the frameworks are not copied...

  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    604.5.6_2 is now available for download! Please report how well it works for you.

  • leopard-webkit leopard-webkit released /604/Leopard/PowerPC/WebKit-604.5.6_2-Leopard-PowerPC.dmg

  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel modified a wiki page


  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel modified a wiki page


  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel modified a wiki page


  • leopard-webkit leopard-webkit released /

  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    I don't know this particular issue - though I do have an unreleased version of Leopard-WebKit that you might try. I'll let you know when it's ready for download. Any specific steps for reproducing this bug? Do you have any Safari add-ons, extensions or plugins installed?

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    I recently noticed that Waterfox is still built for Lion at least at this very moment, Snow Leopard has no up-to-date browser the newest (and may be most secure) is the latest supported version of Firefox. Google Chrome 32 Bit (for 32 machines which cannot get a Lion Update) is way outdated (althru most websites still work)

  • Tyler Barney Tyler Barney posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    This bug is only repeatable on version 604.5.6 with advanced features enabled. When attempting to open a new tab after browsing for a while, it just won't work. The new tab command via keyboard, by javascript, by dropdown menu, whatever, won't open a new tab. When checking the console for errors, this is what shows: x/x/xx x:xx:xx PM Safari[PID] *** -[NSCFArray objectAtIndex:]: index (0) beyond bounds (0) Hopefully this helps with further development with this app.

  • Lee McLean Lee McLean posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    I wish I had the knowledge to do this stuff - I would love an up-to-date version of Safari on 10.6. Your old Webkit port is still my most used browser, but I have to resort to Firefox or Chrome for many sites, especially when up-to-date SSL support is required (if I could get that alone working with Safari it would greatly extend its usefullness).

  • Tobias Netzel Tobias Netzel posted a comment on discussion General feedback

    Well, there is Roccat, but that's only the browser and not the HTML, DOM, CSS or JavaScript libraries (which is the part that WebKit does). Updating WebKit upgrades Safari's or Roccat's web capabilities to the level of newer versions of OS X. But TenFourFox will probably come to Intel OS X sometime this year I guess.

  • Sam R. Sam R. modified a comment on discussion General feedback

    Ok, but do you know any browser that is currently being updated for Snow Leopard?

  • Sam R. Sam R. modified a comment on discussion General feedback

    Ok, but do you know any browsers that are currently being updated for Snow Leopard?

  • Sam R. Sam R. modified a comment on discussion General feedback

    Ok, but do you know of any browsers that are currently being updated for Snow Leopard?

  • Sam R. Sam R. modified a comment on discussion General feedback

    Ok, but do you know of any other browsers that are currently being updated for Snow Leopard?

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