
relevance model

the spirit
  • the spirit

    the spirit - 2016-10-14


    is there an implemntation of the relevance model created by Dr. Victor lavrenoko?
    Is it the query expansion technique that we can find in the project?

    Thank you

  • Lemur Project

    Lemur Project - 2016-10-14

    Galago has two relevance models, RM1 and RM3. RM1 was supposedly the same or very similar implementation as that used in Indri. RelevanceModel3 is closely similar to RM1, but I believe keeps the original query terms as well as new expansion terms.

    There are no comments in the code (both Indri or Galago) detailing the basis for the implementation, so I don't know if it is based on Victor's work or not.

  • David Fisher

    David Fisher - 2016-10-14

    Indri provides RM3 for query expansion: see

    Indri also provides the rmodel application (in the rmodel subdirectory), which provides example code for creating a relevance model.

  • David Fisher

    David Fisher - 2016-10-14

    All are implementations of Lavrenko's relevance models.

  • the spirit

    the spirit - 2016-10-14

    thank you


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