
Lemon Launcher / News: Recent posts

0.0.6 Release

I just posted the 0.0.6 release. I've gone ahead and removed all reference to the word 'skin' and replaced it with 'theme'. Call me names if you like, but I'm a stickler for wording.

This release now supports changing the orientation of the interface (per a feature requested on This feature is for people who have their arcade monitors mounted in weird places and/or rotated.

I reworked the default key mapping. See for more details.... read more

Posted by Josh Kropf 2007-12-20

0.0.5 Release (skinning!)

Version 0.0.5 has just been posted. Highlight of this release; more advanced controls over the interface look&feel. See the screenshot page for an example:

You can find a more detailed description in the README file and a sample skin file (with comments) skin.conf.example.

Here is a full list of changes
* simple skinning system
* key-repeat (hold down key to scroll through list)
* fixed "keys dont work" bug after game exits
* dissabled mouse cursor
* merged "path" and "params" option into "mame"
* "mame" and "snap" option must contain %r where rom name should be substituted... read more

Posted by Josh Kropf 2007-11-11

Windows Build

Keeping with past versions of lemon launcher I have posted a windows build. I used mingw to build and all required DLL's are included in the zip file. Testing was minimal since I'm not a windows user so feel free to post a message in the forums (or in the comments) if you find a bug.

Posted by Josh Kropf 2007-10-15

0.0.4 Release

I've posted the latest release of Lemon Launcher. This release is mainly a code cleanup release. Here are the highlights:
* uses standard configure/make/make install (autotools)
* build time parameter for setting config file path and default font
* conf files are optional
* redesigned games list syntax

And I'm sorry to say, this release is missing one feature which existed in the previous release. Roland's last release would output a 2x2 grid of game snap shots for each menu. The next release will have this feature again and will hopefully make it a bit more robust.... read more

Posted by Josh Kropf 2007-10-02

New Website

The ever so slightly redesigned website goes live to kick off the 0.0.4 release. You will find updated build instructions for the latest release here:

Posted by Josh Kropf 2007-10-02