
Leges Motus v. 0.2.0 Released!

== Announcing 0.2.0 ==

Leges Motus, the open-source 2D team-based tactical shooter set in zero-gravity, is glad to announce the release of version 0.2.0, the second beta of the game. This release brings numerous improvements to the user interface, maps, and various other parts of the game. It also fixes a large number of bugs.

Here's a list of the major new features (a full list of changes can be found in the CHANGES file inside the source package):
- Persistent client configuration file, allowing users to configure their name, screen resolution, and other options and have them persist across invocations of the game.
- Highly flexible server configuration to tweak many aspects of gameplay, including friendly fire, gate open and close times, freeze time, and more.
- A chat log which shows old chat messages.
- Announcements for imporatant events like shootings and gate engagement.
- A new map format, which is more readable, more extensible, and supports tiling obstacles.
- The map can be downloaded from the server, allowing players to play on maps which they don't have installed.
- Configurable radar "aural" mode: enemies only show on radar when they fire.
- The server now uses UDP hole punching to allow connections through firewalls.
- Map code now caches sprites, reducing memory usage of the client.

== About Leges Motus ==

The game's multiplayer gameplay combines twitch aiming with strategic planning as players attempt to move across the arena, freezing opponents to reach the other team's gate and bring it down. Leges Motus is looking for map-makers and artists to expand the game's resources, but mostly, it's just looking for you to join in the fun.

== Downloading ==

If you want to try Leges Motus out for yourself, visit our SourceForge project page at

Here is a direct link to the packages:

Pick out the package for your operating system. Packages are available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Official servers are online now, and you can run your own with the programs included in the package.

To learn more about Leges Motus or to leave feedback, visit The website has screenshots as well, so you can see the game before you download.

We'll see you on the servers.

- The Leges Motus Team: Archaemic, Robert, Andrew, and Greywhind

Posted by Greywhind 2009-07-08

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