
Legatus / News: Recent posts

PreAlpha 015


PreAlpha 015 has been released. This is a Leviathan release and contains the first working version of a Leviathan game. There are still bugs to be ironed out but on the whole a simple game should be playable.


Posted by Daniel Cleyne 2007-12-27

PreAlpha 014


PreAlpha 014 is available to download.

This release contains a lot of changes mostly to do with Leviathan.

There has also been a fair number of infrastructure changes around the message handling areas of the code.


Posted by Daniel Cleyne 2007-12-05

PreAlpha 013


It's been a long time between releases but work is continuing as time permits.

PreAlpha 013 has been released.
This one is a Centurion release and has added opportunity fire to the movement phase.

I've also added in images for the rest of the basic units in the game as well as a couple more maps.

There are now some real scenarios added to the scenario selection screen and the test scenarios have been renamed to make it obvious what they are.... read more

Posted by Daniel Cleyne 2007-11-04

Pre Alpha 012


Well, release 11 was a bit of a flop really. It added infantry into the game but broke the movement phase. Not ideal for play testing and I'm sorry about that :(

This release has been tested a fair bit more thoroughly and the basic Centurion game is now playable with infantry and grav vehicles. Infantry can be mounted in vehicles during the deployment phase and can be dismounted and remounted during the movement phase. Crashing vehicles will now cause damage to units riding on the outside as well as properly tracking the damage they do to themselves. Also vehicles that are destroyed while moving will also crash and the appropriate damage be applied.... read more

Posted by Daniel Cleyne 2007-06-09

PreAlpha 010


PreAlpha_010 is now up for download. This release contains the Centurion combat phase. I've also added some rudimentary victory condition code so that the first player to destroy all the opponents units wins. This was primarily to avoid the game engine endlessly looping when a sides units were all destroyed. More complex victory conditions tied to the scenarios will be added at a later date.... read more

Posted by Daniel Cleyne 2007-05-19

PreAlpha 009


PreAlpha 009 is now available for download.

This release has the Centurion Combat Painting declaration phase and the painting resolution phase added to it. The game still cycles back to the initiative phase once painting is resolved.

There have also been some more images contributed which I think look fantastic. Look out for the Liberator and the Lupis. Thanks go to Keith Mingus for those.


Posted by Daniel Cleyne 2007-04-29

PreAlpha 008


Release of PreAlpha 008.

This one has the Centurion Movement phase in it.


Posted by Daniel Cleyne 2007-04-21

PreAlpha 007


Well, its taken a couple of weeks of fairly serious effort but the next release is here. I fairly badly underestimated how hard the movement phase of Leviathan would be to implement.

This is the first basically usable release.
The Leviathan game is at the point where multiple turns can be run. There is no Combat Phase yet but the game demonstrates how movement of ships happens over several turns.... read more

Posted by Daniel Cleyne 2007-04-09

PreAlpha 006

PreAlpha 006 is now available.

It was pointed out that the binary releases didn't work without downloading the source. Hopefully that has been fixed now as I've adjusted the packaging of the releases to include the properties and config files outside of the main jar file. This is so they can be edited without changing the jar file and they can be found on the classpath (which is what was failing in previous releases).... read more

Posted by Daniel Cleyne 2007-03-22

PreAlpha 005

PreAlpha 005 is now available for download.
This is an interim release. I had rather hoped to have the Centurion movement phase completed by now but real life (tm) got in the way.
So there was a fair bit of work done on debugging some of the 004 work as well as a lot of work on setting up both Centurion and Leviathan movement phases.


Posted by Daniel Cleyne 2007-03-10

PreAlpha 004

PreAlpha_004 has been released.
Funtionality in this release was added to the Leviathan section of the project in an attempt to bring up up to the same level as Centurion. Parts still remain outstanding but the general form of the Leviathan game has started taking shape. As a part of this I also posted a new screenshot.

Posted by Daniel Cleyne 2007-02-24

PreAlpha 003

Have managed a bit of work over the last week or so which has been good.
I finally got sick of fighting with JInternalFrames and decided the idea of an all in one client was not such a good idea any more. So I reworked the game client to be a single game client and removed the JInternalFrames and JDesktopPane from it. There is another application class called designer that will still be MDI and allow for map/element/scenario design and submission to the server (whenever I get around to _that_)
So, for my mind, the GUi is a little fresher and behaves a bit better. Some of the screens are still ugly but that's more my GUI design than anything else. I'll clean them up over time.
The glass pane helps with blocking mouse and keys to stop unwanted premature behaviour.
It's also nice to be working on a Game implementation rather than boiler plate code.

Posted by Daniel Cleyne 2007-02-17

PreAlpha 002


I've put up another release. This one addresses the lack of build and run supoort on Linux. Basically I tried testing the server on my linux box and it failed so I spent the day sorting it out. I thought I'd pass those changes along in case any one else was trying to use it on linux.

Additionally, over the last couple of weeks I've added Sprites for Vehicles and Infantry so that on the deployment screen you can now see where the elements are being placed.... read more

Posted by Daniel Cleyne 2007-02-11

First News


This project has been running now for a bit over two years. Progress has been slow due to the usual family pressures and other things to do. Up to now I haven't really bothered with any other part of the Sourceforge component of the project other than the CVS repository. That is all about to change. I have a friend working on a simple web page as the home page for the project and I'll be posting news items as parts of the code are completed.... read more

Posted by Daniel Cleyne 2007-01-29