
ledger / News: Recent posts

Source code repository switched to Git

Ledger is no longer going to be tracked under Subversion from this point forward. Instead, if you wish to obtain the latest sources, clone a copy from the Git repository:

git clone git://

Posted by John Wiegley 2008-04-10

Ledger SVN head now requires Boost 1.34

Boost 1.34 was released today, and I'm moving to it right away. This means that to build the current SVN head, you'll need to get this version of Boost from and build it. I hope that by the time Ledger is ready for its next release, this version of Boost will be common through most Linux package installation systems.

Posted by John Wiegley 2007-05-13

Source repository now under Subversion

I have removed support for CVS and moved all of the sources to Subversion, which I'm find to be much easier for managing local changes and handling branches. Please check out the sources from Subversion if you wish to follow current development. You can check out 'ledger/branches/ledger-3-0' if you wish to follow 3.0 (which may remain broken for some time).

Posted by John Wiegley 2007-04-12

Python integration support has been removed

Due to that fact that it was under-documented, poorly supported, and effectively used by no one (myself included), I have completely removed Python integration support from Ledger. Emphasis will now be placed on using the "xml" and "csv" reports for manipulating Ledger's output data, rather than embedded scripting.

Posted by John Wiegley 2006-02-15