
Import problems

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  • Eva

    Eva - 2013-03-06

    I'm really new in using ledalab for analysing SCR-data, so my problem starts at the beginning. I exported data from biotrace as ASCII and I wanted to import them in ledalab. I always get the error massage "Unable to import". Even if I use another format (Matlab .mat) data. Do you have any suggestion?
    Matlab version 2012a
    Ledalab 3.4.3

    Best regards,

  • Mathias

    Mathias - 2014-02-11

    The import of Biotrace should work, but there might be issues with different language versions of Biotrace. If you still experience these problems send me a example data file.

    • Agnes

      Agnes - 2014-07-04

      I have the same problem like Eva importing data to Ledalab. My data was recorder with the brain vision recorder. I tried out different formats (.dat, .txt) but I always get the warning "Unable to import". Do you maybe have an example file to have a look at what a readable file has to look like?

      Best regards,

  • Mathias

    Mathias - 2014-07-04

    Hi Agnes

    for BrainVision import you need to export to a Matlab file. Does this work for you?
    Find an example file attached.


  • Xiaoming Jiang

    Xiaoming Jiang - 2015-04-28

    Hi Mathias,

    I'm new to the Ledalab and I failed to import mydata from the .mat format exported from Vision Analyzer. I use Ledalab V347 and I checked "ASCII" as data format, "Verctorized" as data orientation, and "PC Format" as Line delimiters in Analyzer. I'm not sure what I did wrong. Could you help me with that?

    Thanks a lot! Xiaoming


    Last edit: Xiaoming Jiang 2015-04-28
  • Mathias

    Mathias - 2015-04-28

    Hi Xiaoming

    Ledalab is currently prepared to import Matlab files (not ASCII files) exported by Vision-Analyzer. So, try to export your data to Matlab format.


  • Xiaoming Jiang

    Xiaoming Jiang - 2015-04-28

    Hi Mathias,

    I chose "binary" as data format (instead of "ASCII" from the Generic Data Export in Analyzer) and export the file as .mat. But I still cannot import the file into the Ledalab via Vision Analyzer (Matlab Export). I've attached my file. Could you help me check what's wrong with that?

    Thanks a lot! Xiaoming

  • Mathias

    Mathias - 2015-04-29

    Dear Xiaoming,

    the exported file is no Matlab file. You will need to use the Matlab Export solution (Create MAT file) provided by Vision Analyzer. Find their export solutions at: or contact Brain Products for help.


  • Sergey Egrashichev

    I have the same error with imports. I use the next format of files to import. Someone can explain me how to import it?

  • Mathias

    Mathias - 2015-07-28

    Dear Sergey,

    I was able to import your text-formatted data with Ledalab:
    File - Import Data - TextType 1
    Please note that a sampling frequency of roughly 2Hz is quite low.

    I was also able to import the Matlab-file (File - Open). However, here the time data seems to be used as EDA in data.conductance.


    • Sergey Egrashichev

      Thanks Mathias for answering!
      Can you tell me which version of matlab and ledalab you use?


  • Mathias

    Mathias - 2015-07-29

    I am using Ledalab 3.4.7, and Matlab R2014a.


  • Tory

    Tory - 2015-07-31

    Hello, I'm also new to Ledalab. My data are in .cnt format, and I'm wondering what the best way is to import the data into Ledalab so that they can be read there. I have the Eeglab toolbox for Matlab, which apparently can be used for this, but I keep having trouble! Is anyone able to advise me on what steps I should follow to achieve this?

    Many thanks,

  • Mathias

    Mathias - 2015-07-31

    What software are you using for EDA recording?
    You may wish to post a file, so I might have a closer like at this format.


  • Tory

    Tory - 2015-08-03

    Hi Mathias, thanks for your reply.
    We used Neuroscan for the recording, which produced a .cnt file. We can use Curry 7 to produce a .dat file in which the events are labelled and annotated (which is ideal, because we need to classify the events into different conditions), or we can also save the unlabelled version in a .edf file. I'll attach the files here. From my point of view, it's more important to be able to include the event types in whatever format we use in Ledalab, because we used a single channel to record the event signals for all the different conditions, and then labelled them in Curry 7 afterwards. We used the annotations to guide that process, so if we can have events AND annotations that'd be amazing, but if we have to choose then the event types is more important.
    Thanks so much for your help!

    To guide you about the attached files:
    1) The .cnt file has two files associated with it. One is a .cef and the other is a .rs3.
    2) The .edf file has two files associated with it. one is a .rs3 and the other is a .dap.
    3) The .dat file seems to have a .dap file associated with it.
    Apparently these 'associated files' may just be for Curry 7, to make it run more efficiently, so you may not need hem, but I have included them in case they are helpful.


    Last edit: Tory 2015-08-03
  • Mathias

    Mathias - 2015-08-04

    Hi Tory,

    I had a look at the files that you provided. Unfortunately, these files types are currently not supported by Ledalab. I hope to be able to include EDF and the native Neuroscan format in the future. For now, you may try to find a way to get your data in one of the supported ASCII or Matlab formats as documented at - Documentation - Opening/Importing/Saving data, so they can be imported by Ledalab.


  • Tory

    Tory - 2015-08-11

    Hi Mathias

    We don't have the software listed in the Ledalab documentation, but we are able to save our file in ASCII format through the Curry 7 software. We have managed to import the .dat file into ledalab, but not the event markers. As we understand, the .dat files cannot contain event markers but require additional files with this information, and apparently, ASCII event files are saved as either .cef or .ev2 type files. We have tried both but they would not work in Ledalab, although we can view them with Notepad and all the info seems to be there. Is it possible to modify these event files so that they can be used in Ledalab, in combination with our .dat file? I am attaching the relevant files here.



    Last edit: Tory 2015-08-12
  • Mathias

    Mathias - 2015-08-12

    Hi Tory,

    I also managed to import your data (the dat-ASCII format canfile) as Text Type 2, where you have to add info on sampling frequency.
    You event info can be added if you use appropriate variable headers: they should inlucde: time (time in sec), nid (numeric ID), and optional also name (which could give same text event info).
    I managed to import your ev2-event file after changing the headers (find it attached),
    and after muting line 33 in Ledalab\main\import\getevents.m (i.e., %event(ev).userdata.(C{nf}{1}) = C{nf}{1+ev};), because the first header label still causes troubles.
    Hope this also works for you,

  • Tory

    Tory - 2015-08-13

    Hi Mathias

    Thanks for your advice... after following your instructions, I keep getting the following error messages in Matab when trying to upload the events file.

    Error using textscan
    Name-value pair arguments must come in pairs.

    Error in getevents (line 16)
    C = textscan(fid, formatString,'\t');

    Error in import_eventdata (line 18)
    event = getevents([pathname, filename]);

    Error while evaluating Menu Callback

    Can you help?


  • Tory

    Tory - 2015-08-23

    Hi Mathias, did you see my message above? We think we are almost there with this (thanks to your help), but we haven't managed to make sense of those error messages. We got the error messages when we tried to import the file that you attached to your last message.
    We would be very grateful for your help, if you'd respond to us - we are so keen to use Ledalab, rather than any other software, to process these data, but we are also under sometime pressure now.

    Thanks ever so much,

    • Til Ole Bergmann

      Dear Tory,

      sorry for the late response.

      I am not sure why exactly you got this error message because I could not reproduce it. However, there was for some reason a problem with the coding of the event file header entry "Count", which results in characters invalid for Matlab field names and thus causes problems. Instead of commenting it out as Mathias did (and I guess you did as well?), I now changed that line in the code to more robustly cope with invalid characters.

      So please update to the latest Ledalab version (3.48) which I just released (see download section or --> software).

      As Mathias, I was also able to read in the data file you uploaded (Ascii format saved in Curry 7.dat) using File --> Import Data --> Text Type 2. You then have to state the sampling rate (is it really 500 Hz?) . Then say "Yes" to correction of negative values. Then say "Yes" to downsampling and select a lower sampling rate appropriate for GSR. Now the data is loaded.

      After loading the data, now load the events using File --> Import Events --> Load New Event Markers (and DELETE existing ones) --> select the events.dat Mathias uploaded here. Works for me.

      Hope the helps!

      Best, Til

  • Paolo Senese

    Paolo Senese - 2015-08-24

    Last edit: Paolo Senese 2015-08-25
    • Til Ole Bergmann

      Dear Paolo,

      since you have edited your post and deletedits content, I am not sure whether you are still searching for a documentation of how to get startet. Please check out, especially the Introduction section (with the listed papers) and the Documentation section.

      Best, Til

  • Tory

    Tory - 2015-09-02

    Dear Til
    Your advice made all the difference - thank you so much. I've now successfully imported and analysed all my data, hooray!

  • Freek ten Doesschate


    I'm new to Ledalab, and having trouble importing my biotrace .txt files. Importing the data after I changed the format (import text type) also didn't work. I've tried solving it by reading getBiotraceData.m file, but the data seems to be in the right format, I think. The example data on the Ledalab documentation did import succesfully.

    Could you help me figure out? I have attached the biotrace .txt file.


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