I also have a problem with markers at the moment. When I apply the data and markers from above matlab says the following: Error using textscan Name-value pair arguments must come in pairs. Error in getevents (line 16) C = textscan(fid, formatString,'\t'); Error in import_eventdata (line 18) event = getevents([pathname, filename]); Error while evaluating Menu Callback.
Hello, has anyone ever tried using Ledalab in a GUI? I am planning to create a GUI that takes real time EDA data, converts the format to be given to Ledalab to show realtime EDA data in graph format.
Sorry for the late reply. In event-files, columns need to be tab-delimited. See example attached.
Hi there, I'm using ledalab for my data analysis and I'm really satisfied with this tool. In order to optimize my analysis routine, I'd like to ask about some possible features of the program and especially the batchmode. At the beginning of my analysis, I need to split my data files into different segments. For example, my dataframe is 1 h 50 min long and I'm interested in analyzing the time frame 00:05:23 - 00:15:23 and 01:13:45 -01:18:45. At the moment I'm doing this manually in the ledalab environment,...
Hello everyone, I'm using Ledalab to analyse my SC data since a while, but for my recent analysis some weird things are happening. I have an biopac mathlab export with the range of the SC data between 3 & 5 uS. I can verrify the range by simply importing the data into matlab. However when I'm importing the data in ledalab the range of the SC is only between 1 and 2 uS - so the values completely change when importing in ledalab. Odly that only happens to new aquired data, older data is importing as...
Hello everyone, I'm using Ledalab to analyse my SC data since a while, but for my recent analysis some weird things are happening. I have an biopac mathlab export with the range of the SC data between 3 & 5 uS. I can verrify the range by simply importing the data into matlab. However when I'm importing the data in ledalab the range of the SC is only between 1 and 2 uS - so the values completely change when importing in ledalab. Odly that only happens to new aquired data, older data is importing as...
Hello everyone, I'm using Ledalab to analyse my SC data since a while, but for my recent analysis some weird things are happening. I have an biopac mathlab export with the range of the SC data between 3 & 5 uS. I can verrify the range by simply importing the data into matlab. However when I'm importing the data in ledalab the range of the SC is only between 1 and 2 uS - so the values completely change when importing in ledalab. Odly that only happens to new aquired data, older data is importing as...
Hello everyone, I'm using Ledalab to analyse my SC data since a while, but for my recent analysis some weird things are happening. I have an biopac mathlab export with the range of the SC data between 3 & 5 uS. I can verrify the range by simply importing the data into matlab. However when I'm importing the data in ledalab the range of the SC is only between 1 and 2 uS - so the values completely change when importing in ledalab. Odly that only happens to new aquired data, older data is importing as...
Hello everyone, I'm using Ledalab to analyse my SC data since a while, but for my recent analysis some weird things are happening. I have an biopac mathlab export with the range of the SC data between 3 & 5 uS. I can verrify the range by simply importing the data into matlab. However when I'm importing the data in ledalab the range of the SC is only between 1 and 2 uS - so the values completely change when importing in ledalab. Odly that only happens to new aquired data, older data is importing as...
Hello everyone, I'm using Ledalab to analyse my SC data since a while, but for my recent analysis some weird things are happening. I have an biopac mathlab export with the range of the SC data between 3 & 4 uS. I can verrify the range by simply importing the data into matlab. However when I'm importing the data in ledalab the range of the SC is only between 1 and 1.6 uS - so the values completely change when importing in ledalab. Does anyone ever had a same problem and knows how to fix the issue?...
Hi, I am using Ledalab in batchmode to extract the phasic component from EDA signals. I don't have events, I just need the continuous signal. EDA was recorded with Labchart (ADInstruments) and then exported in mat files. This is the code I am using: Ledalab([pwd, '\Ledalab.mat'], ... 'open', 'mat', ... 'analyze', 'CDA', ... 'overview', 0) It works fine when EDA data has both positive and negative values, but when the signal has only positive values it gets stuck into a loop and doesn't complete the...
Here is the txt data file I am working with, I have been importing it as Text Type 1.
Here is the txt data file I am working with, I have been importing it as Text Type 1.
The event file looks good from a first glance. Maybe share your data file so I can try to reproduce the error..
Hi, I am trying to import Marks from Labscribe into Ledalab as a txt file. However, every time I try to import the txt file into Ledalab through the Load New Event Marker, I am met with errors. I have provided the txt. file with events that I am trying to import. Please let me know if the formatting is correct or if there is an error in the steps I am using to import the events. I am new to Ledalab so any advice helps! Thank you!!
Dear Mathias, thanks for your quick response! I feel like you were on the right track here. Removing the filter statement 'filter', [4 1], ... from the command lets it run without the error. Leaving it in and just changing the downsample frequency, however, runs into the same error. I tried every value from '512' to '8'. We have a sampling rate of 2048 Hz. I am not an expert on preprocessing of psychophysiological measures but applying a lower-order, i.e., first or second-order Butterworth filter...
Hi, not sure why this happens. Have you tried without the filter? Downsampling should already filter a lot. Also, do you have enough smapling rate after downsampling? Should be at least 20-30Hz, minimum 10 , I guess.
Here is a screenshot of the logs, found in fileinfo.logs after preprocessing and analyzing the file inside the Ledalab UI.
Hello there Ledalab community, when running the command Ledalab(ledalab_file_path, ... 'open', 'mat', ... 'filter', [4 .3], ... 'downsample', 512, ... 'analyze', 'CDA', ... 'optimize', 2); I run into the following error: Error using chckxy The first two inputs must have at least two elements. Error in pchip (line 55) [x,y,sizey] = chckxy(x,y); Error in sdeco_interimpulsefit (line 51) tonicDriver = pchip(groundtime, groundlevel, t); Error in sdeconv_analysis (line 66) [tonicDriver, tonicData] = sdeco_interimpulsefit(driverSC_smooth,...
We are conducting an experiment where we want to assess event related stress responses; we're separating the data into phasic and tonic components via continuous deconvolution analysis, where only the phasic components will be analyzed. We're looking at the "Phasic Max" component, but a lot of our values are coming out negative and we're not sure why. This population is in older adults, so we're thinking maybe during the analysis step, we need different tau values/IRF values but we're not sure how...
Hello - we have collected a number of datasets with the same experimental protocol which import into Ledalab both in batch mode and in the GUI. A few recent files are unable to import - no known changes to set up, and are able to import some datasets collected after this issue emerged. Any suggestions on file parameters to check to understand why they won't import? Files are .acq files collected in Biopac, converted to acq 3 files for importing. Thanks!
Hi Nadja you can consider editing the batchmode script yourself by adding these lines towards the end together with handing over the filename as variable where this should be saved so it does not overwrite.
Hi there, I'm using ledalab for my data analysis and I'm really satisfied with this tool. In order to optimize my analysis routine, I'd like to ask about some possible features of the program and especially the batchmode. At the beginning of my analysis, I need to split my data files into different segments. For example, my dataframe is 1 h 50 min long and I'm interested in analyzing the time frame 00:05:23 - 00:15:23 and 01:13:45 -01:18:45. At the moment I'm doing this manually in the ledalab environment,...
Hi there, I'm using ledalab for my data analysis and I'm really satisfied with this tool. In order to optimize my analysis routine, I'd like to ask about some possible features of the program and especially the batchmode. At the beginning of my analysis, I need to split my data files into different segments. For example, my dataframe is 1 h 50 min long and I'm interested in analyzing the time frame 00:05:23 - 00:15:23 and 01:13:45 -01:18:45. At the moment I'm doing this manually in the ledalab environment,...
Dear Sir or Madam, I hope all is well. I am experiencing some issues importing my biopac exported mat files to LedaLab. In my mat file, the row number is time (ms), and column 3 and 4 correspond to marker and conductance respectively. However, there is no column name. I am wondering if there is anyway that I can specify the input to LedaLab through code, because at the moment, when I import my mat file, only the marker column is recognized by LedaLab, but wrongly as conductance. I also can not import...
Hello, I️ am receiving an error “Unable to import" for several files when I️ try to import into Ledalab in .acq or .mat format. However, I️ am able to open some of the files in the dataset in BioPac (Matlab export) .mat format. I was wondering what the potential reasons for this might be, and whether there are any fixes? Thank you!
Dear Ledalab community, I have been struggling to "batch analyze" my SCR data for a while now and after trying many different things, the problem still persists. Hence, I am writing here for help. To describe the issue: We record our data with Brain VisionRecorder (not only SCR but also EEG), I then export our data (with the SCR channel only) and been trying to import it & analyze it with the following code; Ledalab(path_rawdata, 'open', 'text', 'downsample', 100, 'analyze','CDA', 'optimize',4, ......
Hello Attached are photos of various results I've gotten from analyzing my EDA data in Ledalab. I perform downsampling at 10hz with a manual smoothing of 10 and apply a second-order filter with a cutting frequency of 1. I set a WRW from 0.5 to 6 seconds post stimuli with a threshold of 0.01ms. However, the values that I'm getting in the output in CDA.SCR and CDA.AmpSum seem abnormal For example, looking graphically at the results, I expect should have higher values, but I get something else. How...
Hi! I am running batch mode on a series of text 1 type files. While many files ran just fine, this error came up: Error using filter First denominator filter coefficient must be finite. Error in deconv>polydiv (line 152) [q,zf] = filter(b, a, [1 zeros(1,nb-na)]); Error in deconv (line 53) [x,r] = polydiv(y,h); Error in sdeconv_analysis (line 57) [driverSC, remainderSC] = deconv([d_ext, d_ext(end)*ones(1,length(kernel)-1)], kernel); Error in sdeco (line 104) [err, x] = sdeconv_analysis(leda2.analysis0.tau);...
ok, thanks a lot!
Mean or sum are the same as long the event-window is of the same size for all conditions/particiapnts. In doubt, I recommend to take mean.
Thank you. I have tried using the variable_era.mat script, and every time I get the error: Error in variable_era (line 16) nEvents = length(data.event); % length(duration) should be equal to nEvents Even though I have triple checked-- my era file has 8 events, and my event duration file has 8 event durations. Any idea what is happening? My events are pretty long (2-4 minutes each). Here are my example files if that helps.
Thank you. Is this possible to do in the batch analysis?
Thank you very much for your answer! I read your paper again in order to find out if your proposed approaches (mean or sum) are better suited for my research and I think that they would be. So, do I understand it correctly, that you proposed to calculate the mean (SCR) or the sum (ISCR) of a e.g. 5-second segment of the phasic data of each participant? Then I would average the values groupwise (experimental and control group) in order to caclulate a ANOVA in the next step. Would you recommend either...
Yes, phasic data comes in muS, no further transformation applied. I had a quick look t the file, which looks good to me. Responses are rather small but can be realistic as there are substantial individual differences in the amplitude of EDA responses. Not sure why you want to use the max of phasic data rather than its mean (SCR) or sum (ISCR) but there sure are different approaches.
This could be done with the script variable_era.m, which you find in the root directory of Ledalab, which allows you to specify variable durations of your events (see help in the script). So, you need to hand over the resulting durations (i.e. compute the time 10 sec after event-onset to start of next event - this cannot be done automatically) and then can specify the response window as [10, 4] which would result in a response window starting 10 sec after event onset, and end 4 sec after event-offset...
Hey, I have a question concerning my EDA analysis. I conducted an experiment where I have an experimental and control group and EDA was measured through the experiment with Biotrace. The procedure was (1) baseline (4 minutes, the participants sat and looked on a white screen), (2) trigger warning (10 sec, experimental group) or neutral information (10 sec, control group), (3) a video (2 min, with a little violence) and a (4) post measurement (4 minutes, the participants sat and looked on a white...
I have a question about my response windows. I would like to look at the window of 10 seconds after an event marker up until the next event marker is pressed. Is this possible, since there isn't really and "end time"-- the end time would be whenever the next event marker was pressed? Thanks!
Thanks a lot. I have another two questions that I would like to ask. Firstly, I haven't been able to find the code for generating the three plots shown in the GUI of Figure 1. Could you please let me know in which .m format files these codes can be found? Secondly, could you provide more details about the IRF in the equation "SC/IRF=DRIVER"? Does the "c" in the user manual represent a certain constant? Also, could you point me to the code that describes this function and indicate the file it is ...
Looks god so far, but you can a plot the slightly smoothed leda2.analysis.driver, which is depicted in the bottom of the GUI
Hi, I would like to seek guidance on issues related to data output and image plotting. My software workflow involves the following specific steps: 1.Importing data: I import EDA data in TXT format, which includes event markers (data file provided below). 2. Perfroming CDA analysis and optimize. After completing these steps, the GUI interface displays three images as shown in Figure 1. I'm seeking advice on the necessary actions to export images that match this representation. In pursuit of this goal,...
Dear all, When analyzing my EDA data, it is striking that very many of our subjects have an SCL of less than 1µS. From different sources I could see that "normal SCL values" are between 1-20µS. My question now is: are the test persons with a SCL <1µS possibly so-called "nonresponders"? What are the criteria to identify nonresponders? Thank you very much for your comments and help!
Yes, probably. To separate events in the analysis it is helpful to give them different ids, but you can also group them post-hoc in the analysis I guess
Thanks for the quick response. I didn't provide an event ID or name when I imported the data. Is that why in these exported results every Event.NID and Event.Name is just 1? These are all unique, individual events, so should I have them labeled somehow?
Looks good to me from a quick glance. Event-Id and nameare two ways of labeling your events. The latter can further elaborate the event beyond numerical ids but only if this information is already provided in the data.
Trying to understand my exported results. I am particularly confused about the event.NID and event.Name. I see on the ledalab.le website that these are the numerical ID of the event and the optional name? Also do these results look right?
I cannot figure out how to delete this comment, but I resolved this. My files were formatted in Text type 3, and the batch analysis needed a type 2 file.
I am having trouble with the batch analysis. I keep getting this error: Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 16656. Any idea? I've attached some of my example files (column 2= EDA, column 3=events). It works though when I do each one individually through Ledalab. Sampled at 4 Hz. There are a lot of blanks in the beginning of each file (downloaded directly from the Empatica website)--- maybe this is an issue? This is the code I have been trying (on a Mac): Ledalab('/Users/KOF/Desktop/EDA/ledalab-349/Converted/Txt/',...
I am having trouble with the batch analysis. I keep getting this error: Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 16656. Any idea? I've attached some of my example files (column 2= EDA, column 3=events). It works though when I do each one individually through Ledalab. This is the code I have been trying (on a Mac): Ledalab('/Users/KOF/Desktop/EDA/ledalab-349/Converted/Txt/', 'open', 'text2', 'analyze','CDA', 'optimize',2, 'export_era', [1 4 .01 2])
I am having trouble with the batch analysis. I keep getting this error: Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 16656. Any idea? I've attached some of my example files (column 2= EDA, column 3=events) It works though when I do each one individually through Ledalab.
Ledalabs CDA is pretty robust to minor artifacts, butif it is too severe the decomposition analysis will not work. There is no real rule of thumb I'm aware of. I recommende removing especially the times were apparently the sensor did not have good contact with the skin at the beginning and end of recording, to try if the event-related activation results give meaningful result output then.
Thanks. For any who are interested, this code works great for taking the EDA.csv and tags.csv files from Empatica and putting them into a format that Ledalab will import: https://github.com/pefortin/Empatica-Ledalab/tree/master You just have to save the csv that it exports as a txt file
Thanks Mathias. Is there a rule of thumb for knowing when something is an artifact, or do you just kind of eyeball anything that looks out of the ordinary? Pretty new to all of this. Also, I'm only interested in event-related activation, so perhaps it doesn't matter since the artifacts are not around the event markers?
Thanks Mathias. Is there a rule of thumb for knowing when something is an artifact, or do you just kind of eyeball anything that looks out of the ordinary? Pretty new to all of this.
Not fully sure what happened at the export, but seems you have massive artifacts in your data -start and end and partly in between. I recommend removing them by selecting the main time period of interest and possible removing the remaining artifacts manually - see preporcessing fucntions in Ledalab.
I looked at your file ad the data is very short < 8sec, which is apparently too little for proper decomposition analysis (would not capture one full SCR)..
Hi, I got my EDA data and events to load and show up (looks relatively normal-- attached). This is from Empatica watch data, sampled at 4 Hz. I selected the continuous decompisition analysis. Then, when I click results--> export event related activation, all that is exported is a file full of 1s. Any idea what's happening?
Hi, I am new to Matlab and Ledalab. And I'm trying to analyse some CDA data. I import the data into Leda as a txt file (like example in attachments). I can import the data success. However, when I try to do CDA, it doesn't work. I'm not sure what to do. I've attached the files . If anyone has any ideas or tips how to solve this, please let me know~ Best
Yes, downsampling to 500Hz or even 50Hz should be perfectly fine, as long as the initial sample time information was correct. Maybe you can send further data/screenshots to provide further context.
Hello, I am trying to add an additional 'event marker' named '5' 20 seconds before every event marker '8'. I am trying to edit a pre-existing matlab file created after preprocessing the data acquired so that I do not have to do the pre-processing all over again. I have written a code for it that should work, but my main issue is identifying the correct directories. I have attached a screenshot with my code and and the available directories. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance,...
Hello, I am trying to add an additional 'event marker' named '5' 20 seconds before every event marker '8'. I am trying to edit a pre-existing matlab file created after preprocessing the data acquired so that I do not have to do the pre-processing all over again. I have written a code for it that should work, but my main issue is identifying the correct directories. I have attached a screenshot with my code and and the available directories. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance,...
Hello, I am trying to add an additional 'event marker' named '5' 20 seconds before every event marker '8'. I am trying to edit a pre-existing matlab file created after preprocessing the data acquired so that I do not have to do the pre-processing all over again. I have written a code for it that should work, but my main issue is identifying the correct directories. I have attached a screenshot with my code and and the available directories. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance,...
I see. I've downsampled again to 500Hz (that should be fine right?) and still run into the same issue with the analysis...
From the image it seems you somehow ended up with 12000 hz not 2000 Hz. Then responses would bevery fast and time in total very small, which may complicate the analysis.
Hi I am new to Matlab and Leda and I'm trying to analyse some EDA data. I import the data into Leda as a txt file with an added column of zeros for events (as the example file on the Leda website). I enter the sampling frequency at 2000 because it was 0.5msec/sample. I downsample by a couple factors. However, when I try to do CDA, it doesn't work. I get an emtpty pop-up and a failure-sound when I click Analyze, Optimize or Apply. I'm not sure what to do. I've attached the file (which is actually...
Hello, I have two main questions regarding the response window: I'm interested in the response window starting from 10 seconds before the event starts until the event starts (so the start is -10 and the end is 0). I have noticed that sometimes it works in Ledalab, but other times it doesn't. I'm wondering if the end of the response window can be 0 in this case, or if it should always be after the event starts. Is it possible to define a response window that occurs before the main event starts, but...
The raw phasic driver can get negative due to deconvolution analysis involved in decomposition analysis but should usually be positive. You can also refer to phasic data which is always positive but comes at lower temporal resolution.
I noticed that in leda2.analysis, there are negative numbers in the driver data, and if the size of the value indicates the state, then what does the plus or minus represent?
In ths case, you may also consider working with the continuous phasic data (e.g. driver) that reflects phasic activity continuoudly across the full meausrement period. You can access this via global leda2 and then leda2.analysis, see www.ledalab.de / documentation
I'm in a situation where environmental parameters are measured every second, so I want to do machine learning by choosing an electric indicator that represents the emotional state per second so that they can correspond one to one. But your advice to me is to choose stage data such as CDA.SCR, can you give me some suggestions for this? Thanks!
There may not be a simple answer to this general question, but phasic data (e.g., CDA. SCR) would be more time sensitive indicator or physiological arousal than tonic data.
Biotrace txt-files including headers should work well. Time should ususally come in samples. See exmaple attached.
If I want to measure the emotional state of the human body over a period of time, which parameter should I use, phasicdata, right? Thanks!
If I want to measure the emotional state of the human body over a period of time, which parameter should I use, phasicdata, right? Thanks!
Hello you lovely humans, hope you are doing great !!! I am in the final stages of completing my thesis but I have been encountering some issues with regards to importing my Biotrace data to Ledalab. I have tried to export the Biotrace session data in the formats of Tab delimited ASCII, Matlab (* .mat) and csv but nothing seems to work. Do you happen to know how can this issue be resolved please ? Thank you so much in advance !!! The first file that I have attached contains the skin conductance data...
Ledalab provides nearly all functionality via its GUI, so it is easy to use for non-Matlab users, with info provided bia www.ledalab.de. But I understand the concern of having to use a commercial platform.
hi. is it easy to use ledalab if i have no programming knowledge and i have never used matlab? to be completely honest, i am afraid of buying the matlab license and not being able to analyze my data. thanks.
They refer to all components resulting from the decomposition analysis; driver refers to the phasic driver after deconvolution, whereas tonic/phasic data refer to continuous phasic/tonic components after reconvolution, so they complement to the total skin conductance data. Other variabels refer to the onset time, peak time and amplitude of SCRs or thecorresponding driver impulses.
I noticed that in the results saved after conducting CDA analysis, there were some variables that I couldn't distinguish, such as driver and tonicDriver, phasicdata and tonicData, oneset, peaktime, amp and impulseoneset, impulsepaktime, impulseam. What are the differences between them? thanks!
In ledalab, there is a convenience function to conducting plot(tools: event-related plot data per condition). However, I have not found a option for the phasic data export/phasic data plot drawing for non-event related data in the ledalab. If I want to export the phasic data or plot, is there a option for me?
Yes, downsampling with mean and gauss method involve smoothing, which will change thes data points
Thank you for the feedback. I plan to stick with CDA.SCR (or the equivalent/perfectly correlated CDA.ISCR) for the final measure. Since ISCR is a measure of area (time integral), I decided to interpolate missing data points to achieve 960 samples, to keep identical lengths for the area measurement. To do this I calculated the overall slope (trendline) of the last 8 known measurements (at 128 Hz) and added the slope to new interpolated data points needed to get to 7,680 total samples. "8" was chosen...
I think the small variation of 1-2 samples should not be a problem. (Not sure how removing one sample could increase nSCR)
I am comparing CDA.nSCR and CDA.SCR results from a series of data segments that each represent a 60-second experience within a VR video. The data segments range from 7,678 to 7,680 samples at 128 Hz (due to rare skips in the bluetooth GSR device). After downsampling to 16 Hz, the resulting data segments have either 959 or 960 samples. I have been direct comparing these, but when I truncate one sample to make all segments contain 959 samples, I sometimes see an increase of 1 CDA.nSCR counted peak,...
Thank you for your help. Yes, for some subjects the CDA.nSCR is similar between scenes (such as 10-16 range). Right now I plan to use CDA.SCR as the primary measuring stick for a 59-second response window [1 60].
Thank you for the response. I tried both [1 60] and [1 61] and got essentially the same result with a slightly smaller range for [1 61] and 1.000 correlation between them in Excel. Standardizing each window's CDA.SCR (by formula in Excel) produced almost identical results between them. I will plan to stick with the 59-second window [1 60]. Thank you for your help.
Not sure, but given the long event range you are considering, a correlation may be less expected, especially for people showing very homogenuous response behavior - around the same number of nSCR (correlation requires variance)
Calculations can only consider the time for which there is EDA data. It my work, butshould give the same result.
Hi, You should do the following in Matlab (I hope it works for you): clear data %creating data struct data.conductance = EDA; % which is your for example 1000*1 double fs = 4; %Sampling frequency of your EDA with E4 data.time = linspace(1/fs, length(EDA)/fs, length(EDA)); data.timeoff =0; Tag = [1, 10, 50, 151]; % I suppose you have 4 event markers at 1,10,50 and 151 seconds in your data (you replace it with your event times) Label = ['3' '7' '3' '7']; % I suppose your event labels are '3' and '7'...
Hi, You should do the following in Matlab (I hope it works for you): clear data %creating data struct data.conductance = EDA; % which is your for example 1000*1 double fs = 4; %Sampling frequency of your EDA with E4 data.time = linspace(1/fs, length(EDA)/fs, length(EDA)); data.timeoff =0; Tag = [1, 10, 50, 151]; % I suppose you have 4 event markers at 1,10,50 and 151 seconds in your data (you replace it with your event times) Label = ['3' '7' '3' '7']; % I suppose your event labels are '3' and '7'...
Hi, You should do the following in Matlab (I hope it works for you): clear data %creating data struct data.conductance = EDA; % which is your for example 1000*1 double fs = 4; %Sampling frequency of your data.time = linspace(1/fs, length(EDA_B)/fs, length(EDA_B)); data.timeoff =0; Tag = [1, 10, 50, 151]; % I suppose you have 4 event markers at 1,10,50 and 151 seconds in your data (you replace it with your event times) Label = ['3' '7' '3' '7']; % I suppose your event labels are '3' and '7' each happening...
I am considering ways to account for the last second of SC data collected from a participant's 60-second VR experience. Currently, I identify one event at time '0' (the start of VR experience data) and a response window of [1 60], which produces a 59-second response window. I would like to extend to create a 60-second response window if possible [1 61]. Is this possible or do all calculations stop at the end of the available data (60 seconds)?
Attached are the results for SUBJECT-A.
Thank you for the response and advice. For SUBJECT-A I checked the scatter plots for nSCR and SCR for 13 scenes, and also checked for non-response and artifacts (results and downsampled data graphs attached). I did not notice any artifacts (downsampled 128 Hz to 16 Hz), and all data was within 2.7 to 3.9 MuS range, so not a non-responder. Could there be anything else I could check to assess why there is no correlation between CDA.nSCR and CDA.SCR? Thank you for your help and patience.
I agree that nSCR is expected to correlate substantially with CDA.SCR across several 1 min events, unless maybe due to non-responders, artifacts etc. I recommend checking the individual scatter plots for these subjects.