
LeanPM / News: Recent posts

Release of version 1.0 !

We are very proud to announce that version 1.0 of LeanPM has been released.
We decided to make this a 1.0 version because we are now exiting the infancy of LeanPM and we are going live with the LeanPM application available publicly online (see\).
Instead of the requiring some expertise to perform your local installation, you are now just a registration away from managing your projects with LeanPM... and for free of course. The confidentiality of your project data is guaranteed as you can read in Oniryx's privacy policy (see the files associated to this project).... read more

Posted by Cedric Neve 2010-10-21

Release of version

This version fixes some bugs in version 0.5.1 and enhances the registration page.

Registering new users in a brand new environment was also fixed along with some other minor issues with the registration page.
The actuals reporting was not displaying the person's columns anymore which was making it impossible to access the activity reports and to create new ones.

Posted by Cedric Neve 2010-09-21

Release of version 0.5.1

This version is the intermediate version on our way to 0.6.
Internationalization support has been added. Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German and Spanish are supported.
This version also includes some bug fixes like one that prevented new projects to be created in v0.5.0.1.

Thanks a lot to Leo, Jonathan, Florian and Carlos for the translations and their other contributions.

Posted by Cedric Neve 2010-09-17

Chinese, German and Dutch support on the way

Wow, thanks for the great support ! We posted our call for help to get chinese, german and dutch support yesterday and this morning we already have all of those assigned.

Dutch support will be taken care of by Jonathan Gaytant which is already a member of this project. Thanks a lot Jonathan.
I am waiting for a confirmation for Chinese and German support to make sure I can go public with those too and announce who will take care of them. However, I already wanted to thank the responders for their fast response.... read more

Posted by Cedric Neve 2010-08-30

LeanPM in your own language


Today, we completed the i18n (internationalization) support within LeanPM. We supported only english before. Now we completed french and spanish is almost completed.

We would be glad to be able to propose LeanPM in other languages too. To help us do that, we need your help. It would take you about one day of work and we would be very happy to support other languages... and you will be able to not only use LeanPM in your own language but also tell your friends that you translated this application ;-)... read more

Posted by Cedric Neve 2010-08-29

Version has been released

This version contains 5 bug fixes. Most of the bugs fixed were introduced by the changes in the various charts. The item creation bug where the form was reset after the item type selection was a very annoying one because it caused loses of previously introduced data on that creation form.

Posted by Cedric Neve 2010-08-20

Version 0.6 baseline

Now that the version 0.5 has been released, it is time to look at what will be included in version 0.6.

Please tell us what you would like to be included in the next version.

From the comments we received in the last few weeks, we prepared a baseline with two major new features:
- the addition of tasks in items (with their associate status and ETC)
- internationalization of the application with the addition of spanish, dutch and french as first other supported languages... read more

Posted by Cedric Neve 2010-08-16

Version 0.5 has been released

Version 0.5 of LeanPM was planned for the 15th of July but we took some more time to complete it and we added quite some features that were not initially planned for this version.

The main additions of version 0.5 compared to version 0.4.1 are:
- Lane support to be able to define different states for your various item types. This is especially useful to distinguish the states of bug fixes and new features.
- All three charts have been updated to make use of actuals (when the users can view them) or to better depict the history of the items. With more information available, more conclusions can be taken from the charts.
- Projects can be dismissed and re-activated
- Items can now be re-activated (they could already be dismissed)

Posted by Cedric Neve 2010-08-16

Version 0.4.1 has been released

Version 0.4.1 of LeanPM is an intermediate release on our way to deliver v0.5.
Apart from a few bug fixes, it provides the following new features:
- New reports: Items per state over time, release notes per version,
- More usage of the actuals: Shown in the item details and in the person details
- Some nifty shortcuts: Proposition to add a role when reporting actuals on an item where the person has no role, add a new item from the item details, open external links in another tab
- Velocity explanations: What is the considered period ? How many hours were removed from the ETCs in that period ?
- Client request updates have been added to the "What's new" on the home page.... read more

Posted by Cedric Neve 2010-07-09

Version 0.4.1

We are halfway in the road to version 0.5 and we feel it is time to provide an update and an intermediate release. Version 0.4.1 will be delivered in the next few days.

We have been mostly busy with bug fixing and with reports (Release notes, evolution of number of items over time,...).

The lanes should still be added for version 0.5 to enable the users to manage different states for the various item types. Indeed, we think that a bug fix needs to be accounted for (in the release notes, with a progress indication, an ETC) but it does not necessarly require the same states (requirements, envisioning,...). The lanes will help us achieve this and we will make sure they will be well displayed in the Kanban.... read more

Posted by Cedric Neve 2010-06-17

Upcoming releases

Version 0.4 is scheduled to be released tomorrow (May 17th 2010). Compared to version 0.3.4, it contains the remainder of the features planned for the v0.4 release. These are all minor features (filtered recurrent items list, description and comments in the lists,...).

We are currently foreseeing a release of LeanPM every two month and now would be a great time for you to speak up and tell us what you would like to see in the upcoming versions of LeanPM. Please use the feature request section or the IdeaTracker of SourceForge. At the end of the week, we will inform you what is scheduled for version 0.5 so please do not wait to tell us what you want so we can consider it.

Posted by Cedric Neve 2010-05-16

LeanPM v0.3.4

There was an issue with the creation of new projects in v0.3.3. This has been fixed in v0.3.4. That version is also the opportunity to provide some minor new features and many bug fixes.

Posted by Cedric Neve 2010-05-11

New release: v0.3.3

Getting closer to v0.4, here is what is supposed to be our last intermediate release before v0.4. The major enhancement for this version is the report section where you will be able to import your customized report to generate it from within LeanPM.

Posted by Cedric Neve 2010-05-07

New release: v0.3.1

After a long delay due to major changes in LeanPM, release v0.3.1 is available. This release introduces the ability to manage multiple projects from a single LeanPM instance and enables project administrators to manage the security settings of each of their projects.
Please read the v0.3.1 release notes for a complete list of new features and bug fixes.

Posted by Cedric Neve 2010-04-22