
LeafRSS / News: Recent posts

LeafRSS 1.1b has been released

The latest version of LeafRSS has been released. There have been several changes to the way LeafRSS analyzes feeds, the largest change being that we have switched from a keyword weight system (which proved inaccurate in the long run) to a Bayesian analysis algorithm. This release is considered a beta candidate, as all further odd-numbered releases will be considered beta.

Please note that while the patch for this release will attempt to analyze any whitelisted or blacklisted articles in the database to rebuild its keyword system, all learning done by previous versions will be erased as it is incompatible with the new Bayes algorithm.... read more

Posted by Splicer 2008-11-14

LeafRSS announces it's first stable release

After several months of debugging, testing, and polishing, we are pleased to announce that the with the latest release of LeafRSS (version 1.0), we are no longer in beta. Thanks to everyone who helped with testing and feature requests, for you have allowed us to take what was once a tiny project idea and make it into a fully functional application!

Posted by Splicer 2008-06-14

LeafRSS 0.9.5 released

This release is primarily to address a security hole that was found in version 0.9. There are some other changes that were already made that were originally slated for the 1.0 release, but we felt it important to get these security fixes out as soon as we could.

It is strongly recommended that if you are running 0.9 or earlier that you upgrade your copy of LeafRSS to version 0.9.5 as soon as possible.

Posted by Splicer 2007-09-01

We apologize for the delay

We would like to apologize for the time it has taken to get our next release together. Our main programmer, splicer12, has been out sick with a major illness for the past two months. He is recovering, and will resume testing and debugging of our current release to bring us out of beta. Stay tuned!

Posted by Splicer 2007-08-10

LeafRSS 0.9 released

We are proud to announce the release of version 0.9 or LeafRSS! This version includes full smarty template integration, as well as options to embed the articles in another web page, or even to allow the output of the filter as an RSS feed.

A patch file has been included to upgrade from version 0.8 to avoid any loss of data. Please see the PATCH file for details.

This will be the final major release before we release our first stable version.... read more

Posted by Splicer 2007-05-17

LeafRSS 0.8 released

Version 0.8 has many new features added, such as the ability to enable or disable individual feeds, better duplicate checking, publish date tracking, and "autowhitelisting" of feeds, which allows you to automatically whitelist any article that appears on a given feed.

We have included a patch script that will update your LeafRSS database to the current version. Please see the PATCH file included within this release for details.... read more

Posted by Splicer 2007-02-03

LeafRSS 0.7 released

LeafRSS 0.7 has mainly addressed the issues with authentication, duplicate articles, and the deletion of expired articles. We are getting very close to a stable release, as so far the project seems to be working as intended, with a minimal amount of bugs (albeit a few major ones which have been resolved in this release).

Version 0.7 Changes

* Changed authentication routine for administrative tools to use either session
variables or browser authentication, depending on configuration. This is to
to rectify an issue found with some server configurations that do not allow
the WWW-Authenticate header.
* Added the ability to mark an article as ignored, which removes it from the
front page, but does not blacklist it.
* Added a button on the administrative page to purge expired articles from the

Posted by Splicer 2007-01-13

LeafRSS 0.6 released

We are pleased to announce that version 0.6 has been released, correcting a lot of issues with HTML formatting being embedded in articles, as well as some disply formatting additions.

Due to the upcoming holidays, this will be the last release until sometime after the new year. I will try to take a look at any feedback in the forums and such, but as I am going to be travelling until the 2nd week in January, I can make no guarantees to my response time.... read more

Posted by Splicer 2006-12-20

leafRSS 0.5 released

We haven't had too much time with the holiday season to make some of the changes we wanted, but we thought it would be a good idea to at least fix all the bugs we found during testing.

Version 0.5

Made articles on the administration pages clickable to bring up full article
Put in error checking into the feed editor so you can't accidentally add duplicate feeds
Added titles to each page of the administration area... read more

Posted by Splicer 2006-12-09

LeafRSS 0.4 Released - We are now in beta

We are pleased to announce that after significant testing, LeafRSS is now officially beta! We have released version 0.4, which contains many bug fixes, as well as a few new features.


Added button to feed editor to allow updates of individual feeds
Added ability to use cron to update feeds instead of internal timer
Fixed minor bug in global settings editor
Fixed rssfeeds table so that it doesn't run out of primary keys so fast

Posted by Splicer 2006-12-02

LeafRSS 0.3.5 released

A minor but important release, correcting some issues with the rssfeeds table and a small bug in the settings editor. Also, due to the amount of time we noticed it takes to update the feeds (if you have a lot of them entered) we added the capability to allow you to update via cron instead of the internal timer included in the script. Whether or not you use cron can be set at initial install or from the settings editor.... read more

Posted by Splicer 2006-11-25

leafRSS 0.3 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of version 0.3. Everything is functional, and all the tools have been finished. We are planning on a few days of internal testing, and then we will be moving into beta phase for testing.

Updated install script to allow initial setup of global settings and admin user
Added global settings editor
Added HTTP Authentication to administration panel
Added "powered by" link

Posted by Splicer 2006-11-21

LeafRSS demo is up and running

We are pleased to announce that we have successfully put up a working demonstration of the LeafRSS project. This demo will reset itself every 2 hours, so feel free to change any of the settings, add feeds, whitelist items, etc.

The demo can be found at

Posted by Splicer 2006-11-16

LeafRSS 0.2.5 Released

This release is primarily bug fixes and some layout changes to the default template. One feature that has been added is the ability to select multiple articles and blacklist/whitelist them all at once, rather than having to go in one at a time.

We are progressing very quickly towards beta, as we should have most of the features that will be available for the first stable release coded within the next couple of weeks. ... read more

Posted by Splicer 2006-11-11

LeafRSS 0.2 Released

This latest release includes some major function increases, such as the ability to add RSS feeds throughout the web interface, as well as a basic installer script. Multiple bug fixes and some added error checking was also completed.

This version should be fully functional, and with only a few more things added we will be ready to move to our beta phase.

Posted by Splicer 2006-11-04