
#15 Change Suggestion / Questions


I love your LDAP Tool but there a re acouple of features which make it unconfortable vs other LDAP tools.
If they are already available and I simply did not unterstand how to use them, please tell me how.
If they are not implemented .. I would suggest you to add them in future releases:

1) Setup Export / Import:
say I want to have the same settings and the same connection on more PCs: how to avoid to set on the 2nd PC everything again by hand?
2) Custom "fast search (F3)": it searches on "standard" Attributes, but what if I want to search in a custom attribute too? I haven't find a way to customize this



  • Tihomir Karlovic

    Hi, thanks for feedback!
    1. This is what the external storages are for. You can create a file storage and share the file between different users, PC's, etc. Create a file storage on one PC (with one user account). Then you can add this storage on other PC's. You can copy the connections between all storages, so if you already have connections setup on your PC you can just copy it to external storage. Note that, for security reasons, passwords are not kept in external storages which are basically XML text files.
    2. You can customize the fast search in options dialog. Use "Quick search filter" option to set your own filter, e.g: (|(cn=%s)(uid=%s)(displayName=%s)(yourAttribute=%s))


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-09-02

    1. sorry I do not get it. I have all my connections under "Private", I do not know what those external storage are for. Means should I copy them in another storage or .. how should i procede? What are those external storage? Like an export or what? If export then why not saving the passwd?? You could (for scurity reason) save the export passwd protected (like other tools do)
    2. cool, THX

  • Tihomir Karlovic

    Yes, the private storage is kept in the registry, protected by a privacy of your Windows user account. The external storages are simply xml files which can be used to share account information (that's why the passwords are not kept there, since everybody having read access to a file would be able to extract all passwords). To use them, choose create a new storage and choose a file name and where you want the file to be created. Once you do this, you can choose the storage from the toolbar on the left side where it appears. From now on you proceed with creating and editing of account in this storage just as you would with your private storage, the difference being that the settings will be saved to the file. You can open this storage on another PC or with another user account and use accounts from this storage. You don't have to copy those accounts to the private storage of a different user for him/her to be able to use it, they can use them directly from the external storage once it was added to the list of storages. You can also copy your existing accounts to this storage to share them between different PC's and users (so you don't have to create them all from scratch). So, it's not an export, it's an external storage file which can be shared.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-09-05

    sorry but I find this solution very bad, at least for the use that I need, which I do not like is a "strange" one.

    (1) it forces me to type the password everytime if I use the external storage
    (2) there is no way to "move/copy" already exsting connection from Private to external Storage, such that if someone (like me) has 20+ connections, it will be hard work to setup the external storage "afterwards"
    (3) I do not want to share something, I want to be able to keep my laptop and my PC "in sync"/be able to install a new PC/laptop and import my old settings/connections (still using the private storage): export (passwd protected), import, delete the export file: security is kept. Almost every other tool (LDAP Tools/RDP Tools/ ....) offer such export/import (inclusive passwd) possibility
    (4) the critic ist high with what concernes the connections but it concerns other settings too: no way to export/import

  • Tihomir Karlovic

    Hi, you can move or copy existing connection from private to external storage and back. Click with the right mouse on the connection you want to copy and choose copy, see attachment. As for export(imporet, I've taken a note for the next release...

  • Tihomir Karlovic

    As a workaround, if you want to export all your settings it can be fairly easilly done with registry editor. LdapAdmin saves all it's settings in a registry key under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\LdapAdmin. You can export this registry key from within the Windows registry editor an import it on a different PC. This way, all settings will be replicated.

  • Tihomir Karlovic

    Added in 1.8

  • Tihomir Karlovic

    • status: open --> closed


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