
Can simplePagedResults control be utilized with LDAPEntrySource?

  • Jim Willeke

    Jim Willeke - 2013-09-12

    Wondering if/and/or how, the simplePagedResultsControl be utilized with LDAPEntrySource?

    Our issue is querying Microsoft Active Directory we seem to hit some limit of 20,000 when using LDAPEntrySource. Yet we know there are more than 30,000 entries that match the Query.

    The same code works find for two other directory types.


  • Neil Wilson

    Neil Wilson - 2013-09-12

    No, it isn't possible to use the simple paged results control in conjunction with LDAPEntrySource. The LDAPEntrySource API is kind of an alternative to simple paged results, but you need to have permission to retrieve the entire set of matching entries in a single request and it sounds like that isn't the case in your environment. It would be possible to write an alternate EntrySource implementation that uses the simple paged results control, but it wouldn't be a trivial matter to alter the existing LDAPEntrySource implementation to do that because it works in a different manner.

    However, the LDAP SDK does have support for the simple paged results control, so you can use it outside of the LDAP entry source API. The com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.controls.SimplePagedResultsControl class provides Javadoc documentation that should help you, including an example that demonstrates its use.



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