
Retrieve primary group

  • Annapoorna

    Annapoorna - 2014-06-25

    How do I retrieve primary group of a user using Unboundid ldap sdk? Please kindly provide me any snippet!

  • Neil Wilson

    Neil Wilson - 2014-06-25

    LDAP generally doesn't have any such thing as a "primary group" for a user. A user can be a member of any number of groups, and none of them is given any special priority over the others.

    If you're talking about using a directory server as an alternate name service repository for something like /etc/group (as defined in RFC 2307 or draft-howard-rfc-2307bis), then I believe that the gidNumber attribute in the user's entry would hold the numeric identifier for the group, and then you could retrieve the entry for that group with a subtree search that uses a filter like "(gidNumber={value})".

    • Annapoorna

      Annapoorna - 2014-06-26

      Thank you so much !

  • Neil Wilson

    Neil Wilson - 2014-06-26

    I just realized there should probably be one minor alteration to the query I provided -- it should be "(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(gidNumber={value}))". Otherwise, the filter would match entries for members of that group as well.


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