
JCE / JSSE and FIPS 140-2

  • idc

    idc - 2013-02-07

    When using SSL connections does the ldap SDK use the JCE or JSSE?  
    I need to use FIPS 140-2 approved algorithms so can't use the standard JCE / JSSE provided by Oracles JDK.

  • Neil Wilson

    Neil Wilson - 2013-02-07

    The network communication performed by the LDAP SDK occurs over objects created by a  If you don't provide a SocketFactory when creating the connection, then it will use the JVM-provided default factory that uses unencrypted communication.  If you want SSL, then you need to provide your own SocketFactory that creates sockets that use SSL-encrypted communication.  If you use the com.unboundid.util.ssl.SSLUtil class, then it creates objects (which are part of JSSE).

    Although the Sun/Oracle JVM isn't FIPS 140-2 compliant, IBM does provide JVMs (for at least Java SE 5, 6, and 7) that can be configured to conform to this specification, including support for a JSSESocketFactory.  I believe that this can be used by either requesting a specific provider or by configuring the JVM to use this provider by default (as per  This is the only FIPS-compliant implementation that I've used, but if you've got a different library with the appropriate certification then you should be able to plug it just as easily.

    Neil Wilson


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