I am using Win XP with SP2 and all the updates online. I
have the display that came with my Silverstone LC03
when smartie is running for about 5 min - 1 hour it gets
corrupted. I have to shut it down and start it again and
then it does the same thing after a while.
the parralel port in the bios is set to (EPP) I am using
the DL/PORT driver
the "refresh Interval" is set to (75)
the "scroll interval" is set to (300)
the "LCD Size" is set to (2x16)
under the HD44780 settings
port is (378)
diver boot delay is (5) I changed this from 1-5 same
timer multiplier is set to (5) have tried 1-5 same result
I have uninstalled the port driver and reinstalled it same
can someone tell me if I am doing something wrong
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Read this bug report:
It is talking about the same problem - try out some of the
ideas and tell us what helps and what doesn't.
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I have checked the above link before I posted, I have tried all
those suggestions and also tried only loading the time and
date, but after a wile display gets corupted again
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Did you find the canio build any better?
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I do not no what that is.
I oppened the case and checked the connections they are all
right. also went into the bios to check to make sure it was
still set to EPP.
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CanIO is one of the suggestions in the other thread. I
created a build of LCD Smartie that uses CanIO instead of
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where can I get it? and do I uninstall the dlportio?
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Details of that build are in that other thread you said you
had read and followed...
There's no need to uninstall dlportio.
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Are you using the WinAmp plugin? I find that my display only
gets corrupted if I use the WinAmp Spectrum analyzer.
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I have a similar problem but it is not random. I wonder if
your problem is the same.
LCD Smartie is running fine, open My Computer or right-click
any file and hover over the Send To menu. All of a sudden,
only the first column of the display works. My display is
from the Silverstone LC03V case. This situation also happens
with jaLCDs.
I have no solution but booting the computer in safe mode
stops it happening. This means that an item of software is
causing the problem but if I stop all the software but don't
boot in safe mode (ie, if I use MSconfig to disable third
party services and startup progs) the situation remains.
Any solutions would be great. Silverstone tech support says
this problem has never happened to anyone in the world ever.
Of course.
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I also have the silverstone lc03v with the exact same
problem .all my settings are the ones that silverstone
recomend for the smarite 5.3 with no plug ins . i have tried
using the 5.3 version and or the 5.3.2 version .is there a
diffrent program to replace the smartie or a diffrent port io
driver then silverstone recomends.