
#27 BIGNUM: clock messes up every once n a while

big num plugin

The clock using the bignum plugin seems to mess up
every once in a while. Sometimes it seems like the top
line of the numbers moves over a space to the right,
and sometimes it seems like the bottom one does too,
but ill watch it some more to try to figure out what it is.
I think what is happening is that after the first colon,
everything on the first line is copied and moved over a
space rewriting anything that is already least
thats what it seems like.


  • Chris Lansley

    Chris Lansley - 2005-01-15

    Logged In: YES


    Can you provide the exact commands you're using.

    Thanks for offering to examine the problem further - if
    you do come up with any ideas then I'll be glad to hear them!


  • pipdo

    pipdo - 2005-01-15

    Logged In: YES

    I noticed this as i was going through the demo screens, so
    it's all the commands that are there. I havnt had a chance to
    put my own commands in yet, but i will some time soon, and
    will post my results.


  • Chris Lansley

    Chris Lansley - 2005-01-24
    • summary: clock messes up every once in a while --> BIGNUM: clock messes up every once n a while
  • Chris Lansley

    Chris Lansley - 2005-01-29

    Logged In: YES

    Can you retest with 5.3 rc3 please.

  • pipdo

    pipdo - 2005-01-29

    Logged In: YES

    sorry that i havnt been able to update...ive been very busy
    with school...but i did try it again in rc3 and i still get the
    same problem. ill include some pictures. Sorry that theyre
    such low quality, i have to use the camcorder instead of the

  • pipdo

    pipdo - 2005-01-29

    Logged In: YES

    sorry that i havnt been able to update...ive been very busy
    with school...but i did try it again in rc3 and i still get the
    same problem. ill include some pictures. Sorry that theyre
    such low quality, i have to use the camcorder instead of the

  • pipdo

    pipdo - 2005-01-29
  • pipdo

    pipdo - 2005-01-29

    Logged In: YES
    user_id=1171810 didn't send the attachment last time

  • pipdo

    pipdo - 2005-01-29

    Logged In: YES
    user_id=1171810 didn't send the attachment last time

  • pipdo

    pipdo - 2005-01-29

    Logged In: YES

    Tt still won't let me send the file, so i'll give you a link to my
    FTP folder.

  • Chris Lansley

    Chris Lansley - 2005-01-29

    Logged In: YES

    Great pictures!

    I looked more carefully at my screen and I don't get the
    same problem. How often is this happening?

    Try increasing your 'timing muliplier' in the HD44780
    settings - it may be we're sending data too fast to your
    display. What version of windows are you using?

  • pipdo

    pipdo - 2005-01-29

    Logged In: YES


    I'm pretty sure that it happens randomly. I didn't notice any
    specific amount of time between when it happens. Before
    rc3, if I remember correctly, it happened about every 10
    seconds when it was on the 3's, but sometimes it happened
    before that. But I don't know if that was really happening, it
    just seemed like it.

    I went into where the timing multiplier was and it was already
    all the way up to 5. Could it possibly be something wrong
    with the port settings in either the BIOS or Windows? I'm
    using Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2.

    Sorry those posts sent twice, I don't know what happened...

  • Chris Lansley

    Chris Lansley - 2005-01-29

    Logged In: YES

    Maybe the multipier is too high? Give 2 a try.

    Do you see this problem any other time (i.e. without the
    bignum plugin?)

  • pipdo

    pipdo - 2005-01-29

    Logged In: YES

    I tried changing all the settings in the settings, except of
    course the port, but nothing worked. I'll try changing the
    settings around more, trying different combinations.

    No, I've never seen this problem before, the only thing like it
    is when there are some characters left on the screen
    whenever my computer is working more than it usually does,
    but thats using version 5.2. I havn't been using 5.3 enough
    to notice anything like that, because I'm basically only using
    it as a beta until the final one comes out and I have time to
    put all my settings back in and make any changes that I want
    using the new features.

  • Chris Lansley

    Chris Lansley - 2005-01-29

    Logged In: YES

    5.3 final was released today - it's seems unlikely that
    anyone is going to report a serious bug in the remaining 14
    hours of the (24 hr limit).

    Have you tried displaying the data (i.e. dates/times)
    without the bignum plugin (i.e. by removing the
    $dll(bignum,1,...,)) Maybe the that function is randomly
    returning wrong information?

  • pipdo

    pipdo - 2005-01-29

    Logged In: YES

    Great! I'll download it in a few minutes.

    When I removed the bignum plugin it still was messing up. I
    left two lines of the time on, and every few seconds either
    the top line would move to the right one space, the bottom
    line would move to the left one space, on of the digits (I
    think it was the second one) would be displayed twice (like
    4:12:355 pm), or the p in pm would display twice. Now also
    the top line, after the hours and minutes, would move over a
    space to the right. All this is pretty random, there's no set
    amount of time or order. Even if I take one of the times off, it
    still does something, but I don't think that it happens as
    much. The only thing that I've noticed so far is it repeating
    the first colon, and that was within the first few seconds of
    removing the second line.

  • Chris Lansley

    Chris Lansley - 2005-01-29

    Logged In: YES

    If you make a fresh directory with 5.3 final in it and copy
    and paste that date/time line into a screen - does it still
    [If so can you post the line you're using] Maybe there's a
    bug in the time/date code.

  • pipdo

    pipdo - 2005-01-29

    Logged In: YES

    No, there's no problem when I copied and pasted the code
    into a screen. The code I used was $Time(h : nn : ss
    am/pm). Maybe could it be something wrong with the .ini file
    that replaces the one that comes with the program?

  • Chris Lansley

    Chris Lansley - 2005-01-29

    Logged In: YES

    How about if you rename up the config.ini (to back it up).

    And then copy a fresh config.ini from 5.3 final with that
    line it in and retry. If problem doesn't happen then can
    you put the bad config.ini onto your ftp server.

  • Chris Lansley

    Chris Lansley - 2005-01-29

    Logged In: YES

    Also - What windows version are you using? Are you sure that
    the problem also happens on 5.3 final (with the bignum plugin).

    Does you computer have more than one processor or a
    hyperthreading processor?

  • Chris Lansley

    Chris Lansley - 2005-02-05

    Logged In: YES

    [waiting for input from user]

  • pipdo

    pipdo - 2005-02-05

    Logged In: YES

    Sorry about the late response...were about to move, so I've
    been very busy.
    I have not had a chance to do the thing with the .ini file, but
    I'm using Windows version 5.1.2600. If the rc3 became the
    final, like you said, then yes, it also happens with that.

    And I have a P4 3.06GHz HT Processor.

  • Chris Lansley

    Chris Lansley - 2005-02-12

    Logged In: YES

    Have you been able to carry out the requested test yet?

    Another thing, you said you got the strange effect when only
    using the $Time command - did the strange effect only occur
    on your display or did it also happen on the smartie's
    virtual display?
    [Also when you lowered the timing multipler, did you exit
    and restart smartie]

  • Chris Lansley

    Chris Lansley - 2005-02-12
    • priority: 5 --> 4

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