
Start testing


To start project you must click main menu File->New Project or Ctrl+N with keyboard.

New project window appears:
alternate text
Project name - String value of project name
Location - folder where project will be located

Then you can add new test cases by clicking main menu File->New Case or Shift+Ctrl+N with keyboard.

To add predefined method press one of labels in methods menu like Find();
Find method asks for picture file by default screen-shot garbing interface appears. Press left mouse button and select region of screen or press right mouse button to cancel. If all is Ok such line apears:


To edit captured images you can pres image link with ctrl+left mouse button or double click in image grid and lazpaint will pop up where you can edit image

'9ee8ace66301320e9a9f3da368f481c04' is system id given to image
Image is method witch converts system id to path to picture

Find('c:...\image.png') - will give same result

all project pictures with system id are located in images tab.

simple example:

Program Test_Case1;

if not Find(Image('9ee8ace66301320e9a9f3da368f481c04')) then
Fail('Image not found')
ClickPicture(Image('9ee8ace66301320e9a9f3da368f481c04'), mbLeft);

Find(Image('9ee8ace66301320e9a9f3da368f481c04')) - return true if picture found false if not.

Fail('Image not found') - will stop test with message.

ClickPicture(Image('9ee8ace66301320e9a9f3da368f481c04'), mbLeft); - will click picture with left mouse button or will raise exception if picture not found and stop test

alternate text

alternate text

After that press main menu Run->Run or Ctr+R to start testing


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