
Launchy# 1.0.0 released

Launchy#: .NET plugins for Launchy

About Launchy# 1.0.0
Launchy# is an extension to Launchy's plugin system, that allows a user to
develop Launchy plugins in .NET languages (C#, VB.NET, etc.).

* Launchy# requires .NET framework 2.0 and above.

Launchy# contains two main parts:
* A .NET assembly that provides the plugin API and contains all relevant
* A Launchy plugin that acts as a proxy plugin, loads the .NET plugins and
forwards calls from Launchy to them.

When Launchy starts, the proxy plugin searches for DLL files in the 'plugins'
directory that implement the required interfaces..

Currently, most of the Launchy plugin API is already exposed for .NET
plugins. Some parts are not implemented and documented below.

The project files can be downloaded from -

The following files are available for download:
* - contains the basic Launchy# distribution, including
the proxy plugin, API assembly and documentation. Extract this file in the
main Launchy directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\Launchy).
* - a full-fledged plugin that allows switching to an
opened window. See that attached readme file for more details.
* - contains C# source code for the two sample
plugins: SimplePlugin# and Go-Y#.
* - contains the C++ and C# source code for Launchy#.

How to write a plugin?
Before attempting to write your first plugin you can consult with the
* API documentation (LaunchySharpAPI.chm).
* SimplePlugin - a simple plugin that echos the user query.
* Go-Y# - a full-fledged plugin that allows switching to an opened window.

Currently missing in the API
Several parts of the Launchy plugin API are not implemented at the moment:
* Unloading a .NET plugin (remove the plugin DLL instead).
* Displaying a settings widget for the plugin (doDialog/endDialog messages).
* Support for accessing the global Launchy settings object (QSettings).
* launchyShow and launchyHide messages.
* The runProgram function

* Launchy# is distributed under the GNU GPL version 2.
* Launchy# Plugin API is distributed under the GNU LGPL version 2.1.

Posted by kshahar 2009-01-13

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