
Launchings IIS on Windows 7 x64

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-08-23


    I'm trying to launch IIS on a Windows 7 x64 machine. When I try I open launch, type IIS it founds the proper shortcut without an issue but when it launches the shortcut it attempts to run the path "C:\Windows\sysnative\inetsrv\InetMgr.exe", which doesn't exist. I've also confirmed that the .lnk file uses the path "%windir%\system32\inetsrv\InetMgr.exe" so I'm not sure where Launchy is getting this sysnative directory.

    Can anyone shed some light on why this is happening? Is it a bug, configuration issue, or something wrong I'm doing?


  • Steve Sobol

    Steve Sobol - 2014-07-13

    Hey! I know it's almost two years later but I'm running into this too, and I know why:

    The ACTUAL location is c:\windows\system32\inetsrv. BUT... on my machine, also Windows x64 (windows 8.1), since Launchy is a 32-bit program, Windows does some stuff behind the scenes to make sure Launchy can operate without knowing it's really running in a 64-bit environment. This is done by Windows to provide a transparent environment for 32-bit programs so developers don't have to worry about whether they're running on a 32-bit machine or a 64-bit machine.

    This blog post has some details.

    So that's why you're seeing sysnative. I'm seeing the exact same thing trying to launch the IIS Manager from Launchy. It works fine from File Explorer or the Windows command prompt. I'm not sure how to work around this issue. Probably, the ultimate solution is to recompile the app as a 64-bit app, which I could certainly do because I have the tools and it is open-source. :)


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