
Unable to use Alt-Space hotkey all of a sudden

  • Nathan Kamenar

    Nathan Kamenar - 2022-01-22

    I have been using launchy for years with the Alt-Space hotkey but just recently I restarted my computer and when launchy started I got an error saying: "The hotkey Alt+Space is already in use, please select another." I haven't changed anything on my system as far as I know. It is now popping up the Launchy options window and making me change the hotkey. Is there a way to manually override this and force it to use that key combo? I have been using it this way for ages and I really don't want to retrain to a new hotkey. I already tried a full reinstall with the latest beta release and still getting the same error when it starts.


    Last edit: Nathan Kamenar 2022-01-22
  • Duncan Philps-Tate

    I've arrived here because I've also got this problem. But mine started only this week (14 August 2023) which is a year and a half since the OP. I keep my Wndows 11 up to date so it isn't simply that I've caught up with him.

    Any ideas?

    I'm running on a Dell 7420 with Windows 11 Pro up to date.

    Alternatively, if alt-space is now off limits, what are people using as alternative hotkey?


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