
Launchy Suggestion --- Minimise on Startup

  • paul temple

    paul temple - 2024-03-03

    As I use Launchy to open everything, I have it in my Startup folder.
    However, that means that the first thing I almost always have to do after
    startup is minimise Launchy. You know how lazy IT users are. Every
    unnecessary click is a loathsome burdon :-)
    So, any chance that a "Minimise on Startup" option could be added so that
    Launchy was BOTH added to Startup and caused to be minimised when it first
    opened during startup? This might even be better as a two-option addition:
    "Open on Startup" [this option doesn't appear to exist yet] with a
    sub-option of "Minimise on Startup". Or there could be two either/or
    options of "Open on Startup" and "Open Minimised on Startup". I suspect the
    latter pair makes most sense.

    Thanks for consideration..


  • Vkthor

    Vkthor - 2024-03-20

    I've Lauchy at my startup folder too.
    at Launchy options > General tab, tick Hide Launchy when it loose focus

  • paul temple

    paul temple - 2024-05-11

    Yes. I found that after posting. It isn't exactly what I'd wanted but it's mre than sufficient to meet the need.


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