
LaunchMenu / News: Recent posts

Release update 2003-11-09

Finally the Linux version is now working. I'm running it on KDE and MS Windows and haven't tested it on other windowmanagers, so resports are welcome.
Since now both versions are working I raised the status to BETA. I use it now since the first release and had no problems so far, apart from the bugs mentioned in the docs.
For a more detailed description on what has changed, please refer to BUGS and CHANGES.
IFor installation and compilation information you can refere to the README.
In case this is not sufficient, you can contact me via email. I hope that I wrote everything in the README to make it work for you, but of course I could easily forget something which is obvious to me, but not to you. :)

Posted by Gerhard W. Gruber 2003-11-09

New release 2003-10-14

I uploaded a new release and also updated the CVS with the current version. I also added some ducumentation on how to use and install LaunchMenu. Check out the README for more details.
The Winodws version is no working properly as it should. I fixed this annoying thing that two menus popped up when the right mouse button has been pressed (one for LaunchMenu and one for the application that also received the mouseclick). The code is now smaller because I could get rid of some functions that are no longer needed.... read more

Posted by Gerhard W. Gruber 2003-10-15

CVS Update 2003-10-05

I checked in all the sources into CVS. The latest version now compiles and runs on Linux. The only missing part is the mousehook (which is of course crucial :) ), but this will be added with the next days (I hope).

Apart from that, I could use some help on the Windows part. IMy problem is, that I don't know how to supress the message that I captured withint the hook, so if you have any suggestions I would appreciate a mail.

Posted by Gerhard W. Gruber 2003-10-04