
Tree [7b87a3] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 js 2015-09-15 bytewarestudios bytewarestudios [7b87a3] fixed src value for launchjs script tag unknown

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                    Create Web Applications Quickly with Less Coding

Launchjs is designed to be a JavaScript library that allows you to do more with less coding.
The aim of launchjs is to consolidate a lot of useful functions in one library. At the same time,
it is designed to make its code easier to understand, thus making it easy to add your own functions
to the library.

Launchjs utilizes the l(lower case l) character as an alias for its function calls instead
of the $ character like other JavaScript libraries. If you prefer a different character to use for an alias
you can change the last line of code in the library as follows:

}(l=launch);//end launch library

Example(changing the alias variable):

}($=launch);//end launch library

Note: If you decide to use a variable name that is used in another javascript library that you will have to wrap it in
a function call as depicted below in order to avoid variable name conflicts with other libraries.


//place the code that utilizes the launchjs library here
