

Pre-Indexing and Integration pipeline

[lu_mccd2hdf] - stores images and LaueCollect information in a single HDF5 file

[lu_hdf2spots] - calculates frame statistics, masks, finds spot location and background-corrected integrated intensities with optional use of Kruskall-Wallis statistical test for laser datasets

[lu_spots2ratios] - calculates ratios from integrated but unindexed data for consistency analysis

[lu_ratios2averaging] - averages ratios from integrated but unindexed data over the similar position on a given frame

[lu_spots2expt] - combines the information on integrated spots and detector characteristics & geometry into indexing input

[lu_fcf2mono] - stores information on monochromatic data in HDF5 file for indexing input

Older versions

lu_hdf2spots_kruskal - calculates frame statistics, masks, finds spot location and background-corrected integrated intensities with optional use of Kruskall-Wallis statistical tes for laser datasets


[lu__view_correlation_ratios] - produces correlation plots for unindexed ratios

[lu__view_correlation_merged_ratios] - produces correlation plots for indexed and merged ratios

[lu__view_mda] - visualization of experimental lambda curve

[lu__view_mono_x] - visualization of symmetry-expanded monochromatic data in a projection on a sphere

[lu__view_MonoRaysLC] - visualization of simulated lambda curves for monochromatic data ($I \sim sin(\theta)$)

[lu__view_expt_clusters] - visualization of clusters experimental data (I ~ sin(theta))

[lu__view_matrix_parameters] - visualization of orientation matrix changes (in Euler angles) and cell parameters changes resulting from frame by frame matrix and cell parameters refinement


[lu__match_pairs] - orientation matrix calculation based on automatic cluster searches

[lu__refine_orientmatrix] - orientation matrix and cell parameter refinement on frame by frame basis

[lu__hkl_assign_monolc] - hkl indices assignment based on provided orientation matrices and eulerian coordinate limits

[lu__hkl_assign_monolc_sph] - hkl indices assignment based on provided orientation matrices and spherical coordinate limits

[lu_indexing2ratios] - orientation matrix calculation based on automatic cluster searches merged with hkl assignment

Older versions

[lu__indexing2cm] - orientation matrix calculation by-hand assignment of hkl indices to experimental data

[lu__hkl_assign_monolc] - assignment of hkl indices to experimental data based on a given orientation matrix

[lu__match_pairs_indexing] - orientation matrix calculation based on automatic cluster searches merged with hkl assignment

[lu__match_pairs_V4] - orientation matrix calculation based on automatic cluster searches merged with hkl assignment

Post-Precognition data processing

[lu_dump_pc_cell] - combines parameters stored in .inp Precognition output files into single file suitable for statistical analysis

[lu_respt2expt] - combines the information from re.spt Precognition output files into single HDF5 file for indexing input

Post-LaueGui ratio processing

[lu_ratios] - calculates average ratios over series of ON and OFF frames

[lu_plot_r_vs_r] - given a couple of merged hkl files searches for common hkl indices and prepares input for correlation plot


[lu_fco_2_random_ratios_hkl] - generates random ratios with a given gaussian distribution


Wiki: documentation
Wiki: lu__match_pairs_V4
Wiki: lu__view_correlation_ratios
Wiki: lu_dump_pc_cell
Wiki: lu_fcf2mono
Wiki: lu_hdf2spots
Wiki: lu_mccd2hdf
Wiki: lu_plot_r_vs_r
Wiki: lu_ratios
Wiki: lu_ratios2averaging
Wiki: lu_respt2expt
Wiki: lu_spots2expt
Wiki: lu_spots2ratios