
Tree [9f16cb] default tip /

Read Only access

File Date Author Commit
 laue_util 2013-06-18 Jaroslaw A. Kalinowski Jaroslaw A. Kalinowski [9f16cb] Initial commit
 .hgignore 2013-06-18 Jaroslaw A. Kalinowski Jaroslaw A. Kalinowski [9f16cb] Initial commit
 README.txt 2013-06-18 Jaroslaw A. Kalinowski Jaroslaw A. Kalinowski [9f16cb] Initial commit
 UB Public License Version 1.0.txt 2013-06-18 Jaroslaw A. Kalinowski Jaroslaw A. Kalinowski [9f16cb] Initial commit 2013-06-18 Jaroslaw A. Kalinowski Jaroslaw A. Kalinowski [9f16cb] Initial commit

Read Me

This is a legacy version of LaueUtil toolkit, provided here
mostly for reference purposes.

Please check the project website for an up-to-date version:


Please edit and source the bash script to configure environment.