
10- Web Interface

Joe McManus

The Log Analysis Tool Kit includes a web front end that works on Mac OS X, Windows and Linux. Data should still be imported on the command line using the python tools. But reporting can be run through the web front end.

Database connectivity is defined in the same file as the python tools /etc/latk-mysql.conf. Edit the following lines to match your environment.
user = root
pass =
host = localhost
sock = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
dbName = LogAnalysisToolKit

The web interface has two default users, admin/latk and guest/potato. You can change the passwords via sql.
[root@localhost /tmp]# mysql -p LogAnalysisToolKit
Enter password:
mysql> update users set password='NewPassword' where username='admin';
Query OK, 1 rows affected (0.02 sec)
Rows matched: 1Â Changed: 1Â Warnings: 0