
ExitValue: 1

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I tried to call your taglet within a javadoc ANT task, but I get the error message:

    [javadoc] Generating D:\<HOME>\doc\index-files\index-16.html...
    [javadoc] call: cmd /c LaTeXTagletUmwandlung.bat "D:\&lt;HOME>\&quot; <CLASSNAME>-1187816336 D:
    [javadoc] ExitValue: 1

    After trying this, only the .tex-file was created. The batch file 'LaTeXTagletUmwandlung.bat' is specified within the PATH variable. So, the batch file should be found, but it seems that's not the case.

    If I call the batchfile manually by
    > LaTeXTagletUmwandlung "D:\&lt;HOME>\&quot; <CLASSNAME>-1187816336 D:
    the -png-file will be created successfully!

    Many thanks for your response,

    • Stephan Dlugosz

      Stephan Dlugosz - 2007-08-27

      Hi Martin!

      I think you are right and LaTeXUmwandlung.bat can not be found.
      Sometimes the new PATH-Variable is only set after a reboot (or a typo?).

      To be sure that finding the batch file is not possible:
      Have you tried to use LaTeXTagletDebug.jar instead of LaTeXTaglet.jar?
      The only difference is that it will produce more messages during execution. This will help you (and me) debugging.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi everybody!

      I've solved the problem by myselfe.
      The reason was, that I'm using LaTeXTaglet within the JavaDoc ANT task, and I'm calling the ANT file from my IDE (Eclipse). Because Eclipse doesn't restart the console each time running an ANT file, the alterations I have done to the systems PATH variable haven't been applied by the running console instance.

      After a simple restart of Eclipse the batch file was successfully found and executed!


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