
additional package names being exported to file

  • Johhny Canuck

    Johhny Canuck - 2019-07-04

    First time user of LaTeXDraw (LD), but long-time user of PSTricks, pgfplots, etc. Created a simple plot using LD, compiled using a series of additional packages to control (primarily) the fonts used in the equations embedded in the drawing.

    Something like

    \usepackage[spacing=0.25em, stretch=0.145em,shrink=0.1em]{newpxtext}

    Compilation goes fine, and the drawing (and embedded equation) on the screen looks perfect, but when I try to export the picture using something based on .ps (like, .eps, .pdf), the generated file has a line of text at the top looking like:

     mathtools[spacing=0.25em,stretch=0.145em,shrink=0.1em]newpxtext[cmintegrals,cmbraces,nosymbolsc]n     ewpxmath [scr=rsfso]mathalfa bm eucal[scaled=0.97,zerostyle=c]newtxtt

    In other words, all of the package information, without the \usepackage directive, or the braces.

    If I export to something not .ps based (like .png), no problem. Just the image. But, for a lot of reasons, I prefer .eps output. I can use the generated PST code, but I prefer to include the .eps graphics, rather than having my .tex files littered with PST code for each figure (having 1-2 figures per page, for a 300-400 page document, adds a lot of clutter).

    Pointers to the obvious thing I must be doing wrong appreciated.

  • ARno

    ARno - 2019-07-04

    Cannot reproduce the issue on Linux.
    Can you copy/paste here the information provided in the "system" tab you can find here: "Help" menu -> "About LateXDraw" menu item -> "system" tab?
    Can you also provide an SVG document that triggers the issue for you.


    • Johhny Canuck

      Johhny Canuck - 2019-07-05

      I think I know what the issue might be. If I bring up LD, and go into
      'Preferences', I enter the packages I want loaded for LaTeX compilations:

      But, when I enter a LaTeX expression, these packages aren't 'used' during the
      compilation. Here is a simple expression that requires AMS and mathtools:


      If I enter this as is, nothing compiles. The only way I can get it to compile is
      (i) click the equation, and (ii) to enter the packages into the little dialog
      box I can access from the bottom toolbar:

      That generates a perfect equation (scaled, right fonts). However, when I try to
      export to .eps, the problem that I originally described emerges (I've attached
      the .eps file). Here is how it renders when included in a LaTex document --
      pretty obvious what the problem is:

      What's also problematic is that if I look at the PST code, the first packages
      (amsmath, mathtools) are commented out:

      I've attached the .svg file, as requested.

      On 7/4/2019 4:24 PM, ARno wrote:

      Cannot reproduce the issue on Linux.
      Can you copy/paste here the information provided in the "system" tab you can
      find here: "Help" menu -> "About LateXDraw" menu item -> "system" tab?
      Can you also provide an SVG document that triggers the issue for you.


      additional package names being exported to file

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  • ARno

    ARno - 2019-07-09

    ok thx. I identified the issue (that occurs on windows only, maybe mac).
    Will investigate it soon.




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