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Version 0.3.2

Player control and status reporting has been improved. On normal operation, local echo has been disabled. The remote call key lock bug has been fixed. Experimental support of changing the station directly from the interface has been added. The history can be kept in a CSV file. Added support for creating a HTML file, containing track information, links and album cover.

Posted by Costin Stroie 2007-03-23

Version 0.3.1

The man page and the config file have been included. Chech for data validity pased in command line. Use getopts for parsing the command line parameters. Show a better help message. Added debug mode toggling direct fron interface. Fixed the player integration, especially the 'quit' sequence. More remote commands added. Save the current meta info to a file. Display detailed changing station errors.

Posted by Costin Stroie 2006-12-12

Version 0.3.0

Use special terminal mode for program TUI. Use ncurses (tput) instead of direct escape sequences. Check for webservice errors. Multiple commands per remote call are supported. Check for a minimum terminal size before starting. Added support for external HTTP clients, fixed the Ubuntu related bug. Keep history in memory for redraw. Prevent race conditions in remote command calls. Better quitting sequence (trap signals).

Posted by Costin Stroie 2006-12-06

Version 0.2.3

The remote call support has been improved. The history has new headings and the action (Love, Skip, Ban) is displayed.

Posted by Costin Stroie 2006-11-30