
#66 OOo/LO: freeze on start up caused by LT


Sorry for my English.

oocalc: list of fonts in dialogue "Format Cells" (menu "Format" -> "cells ..." tab "Font") opens very slowly (10 times) after installing LanguageTool.

LanguageTool 1.1, 1.2 3.2.1 (OOO320m19 (Build: 9505), ooo-build
Gentoo Linux amd64/10.0


  • clio

    clio - 2011-01-10

    I can confirm this with LT 1.1 + OOo 3.3.0rc8/LO 3.3.0rc2 + Ubuntu 10.o4 + JRE6u20
    To reproduce
    1. Close OOo/LO completely
    2. Open new Calc document
    3. Right click on the cell A1 and go to the "Format Cells..." menu.
    4. In case you use LibO, click the "Font" tab.

    Result: a few seconds of 100% CPU load and freeze.

    Seems to be similar to

  • Marcin Miłkowski

    I cannot reproduce it with 3.3 stable (Windows XP, Java 6u20). Could you check if it is still there?

  • Eugeny Shkrigunov

    I have no OpenOffice.
    The problem is still there:
    Gentoo, LibreOffice 3.3.1 (OOO330m19), sun-jdk-

  • Yakovru

    Yakovru - 2011-03-23

    Yes. This problem is stil there: OpenOffice 3.3.0 Windows
    Reproduce as is in 1 comment If cursor is in A1 cell.

  • Daniel Naber

    Daniel Naber - 2011-08-28

    Some analysis: on my machine, OOo (tested with 3.2.0) hangs 7 seconds. 1 second is because we initialize every language on startup. That will be fixed in tomorrow's LT snaphot. The other 6 seconds is somewhere in OOo, where it calls getLocales() more than 200 times. However, we answer that call in less than 1ms. If we don't iterate and return all the locales we support but only one, the hang is 3.5 seconds instead of 7 seconds.

  • Daniel Naber

    Daniel Naber - 2011-08-28

    I just checked that the problem is not caused by the pure size of LT: if I remove language resources that doesn't help.

  • Daniel Naber

    Daniel Naber - 2012-03-25
    • summary: oocalc: list of fonts opens very slowly --> OOo/LO: freeze on sta caused by LT
  • Daniel Naber

    Daniel Naber - 2012-03-25
    • summary: OOo/LO: freeze on sta caused by LT --> OOo/LO: freeze on start up caused by LT
  • Daniel Naber

    Daniel Naber - 2012-04-28

    I have finally come up with a more detailed analysis: on each startup, the slow method SvxLinguConfigUpdate::UpdateAll() is called. A comment in the code suggests that this isn't needed anymore. Can we change the code like the comment suggests in unolingu.cxx, line 395?

    Here's in detail what happens:

    doclay.cxx calls (*pLayIter)->GetCurrShell()->LayoutIdle();
    layact.cxx calls ((SwTxtFrm*)pCnt)->_AutoSpell( pCntntNode, *pSh->GetViewOptions(), nTxtPos );
    txtedt.cxx calls bSpell = ? xSpell->hasLanguage( eActLang ) : sal_False;
    unolingu.cxx calls SpellDummy_Impl::GetSpell_Impl()
    finally, SpellDummy_Impl::GetSpell_Impl() calls this:

    if (SvxLinguConfigUpdate::IsNeedUpdateAll())

    IsNeedUpdateAll() will return true, because aLinguOpt.nDataFilesChangedCheckValue is -1 because SvxLinguConfigUpdate::UpdateAll() will set it to -1, with a comment that this is only needed to <= OOo 3.0
    ("for the time being (developer builds until OOo 3.0)..."). Thus after each startup, SvxLinguConfigUpdate::UpdateAll() gets called which takes a few seconds and blocks the machine.

    Another question is why SvxLinguConfigUpdate::UpdateAll() is so slow and blocks the machine. I haven't checked that out yet.

  • Daniel Naber

    Daniel Naber - 2012-06-03

    This has been fixed in LibreOffice 3.5.4 and it looks it's going to be fixed in Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1.

  • Eugeny Shkrigunov

    Nice work! Nice tool! Thank you very much!

  • RGB

    RGB - 2012-06-12

    I can confirm that on the deb builds for AOO 3.4.1 LT 1.7 works really fast, both on start-up and common usage.

  • Marcin Miłkowski

    • status: open --> closed-wont-fix
  • Marcin Miłkowski

    Closing as Won't Fix as we will not fix it locally in LT, but we fixed it in other places ;)


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