
Land of Anarchy / News: Recent posts

I'm back with good news

V0.03b is well on its way it adds the friends list with the ability to see if your friends are online. You cant whisper them or anything yet (will be added in future versions) but you can at least have a friends list. I have also had a few ideas I'm going to venture down after i release v0.03b to see if they improve game play any because loa right now is only working on the latest version of IE so I want to make it run on a wider variety of browsers. More on that to come.

Posted by Aliphore 2009-02-22

Reason for Silence

I've been taking a break from life in the last few days I'll continue work on Land of Anarchy on the 20th because I definately dont wanna take things too fast heh. I'll definately get you guys plenty of updates once I continue and The pre-alpha server is still up guys dont forget :) it'll be up until the end of the month. Then I will take it down for changes.

Posted by Aliphore 2009-02-13

Pre-Alpha Server open to all

The Pre-Alpha server which was previously a closed test is now open. Keep in mind this test is only so that people have a common base to report errors. The pre-Alpha server is located at: If your lucky you may see me on.

In other news I have been working with the 0.03b release and I'll say it adds quite a few new features and changes alot. I've finally gotten around to adding ajax to the game and it is working perfectly so far. I also have testing the game more thoroughly in diferent browsers and versions and have come with the conclusion that land of anarchy currently only works in Internet Explorer version 7.0 or higher (6.0 has an issue with transparent pngs and I am going to try and fix that by making everything gifs.) I am also adding a very intricate mail system which will take some time but will be added within the next version or two.

Posted by Aliphore 2009-02-08

v0.03a issue cleared and...

I have uploaded the updated release file now it should work out of the box on most servers. I have also been doing some pre alpha testing with my new support manager Tony. He will be in charge of releasing news and answering support questions and issues. If you wish to become part of the closed pre alpha testing please contact me via the forums and I will get in touch.

Posted by Aliphore 2009-01-27

v0.03a issue

Forgot to put getpage.js in the updated version, will update with a new file in its stead tomorrow so you can move from room to room.

Posted by Anthony Reihl 2009-01-26

Land of Anarchy: v0.03a released

v0.03a is finally here bringing with it the introduction to skills and autotp(working) as well as other updates which are so numerous I would have to upload the development diary to show them all in the news report so just go ahead and download and check it out!

Posted by Aliphore 2009-01-26

upcoming release v0.03a info

The game has come a long way since it's conception and now i would like to describe for you the upcoming release version 0.03a. It fixes all the "teleport" issues which have been experianced in previous versions. It comes with skills which are complely modular and useable at the time of creation. Most of the online issues were updated in this release. And alot of smaller but annoying bugs were taken away and of course AUTOTP works perfectly now. I am currently making a nice map and getting ready to release it. I am also working on a demo page but it will be low bandwidth so I expect some issues with it.

Posted by Aliphore 2009-01-23

Land of Anarchy: v0.02c released

Ok the release of v0.02c is finally here and thanks to some testing with my brother I can officially say: LoA is finally online where you can talk and walk haha. As usual the chang diary is in the features document. Variable transparency, chat, loading/saving, and minor bug fixes are all in this release. Dig in!

Posted by Aliphore 2009-01-19

Upcoming release v0.02c info

I am almost done with the release of 0.02c just need to tidy up the code and get it releaseable! Chat now works and I have become work on the menu system again I'm hopefully gonna finish the variable transparency before I release later today! I have successfully gotten the game to view other players online and chat with them in real time! (as of now it still does not use ajax but conversion is coming just wait haha)

Posted by Aliphore 2009-01-17

Details of my week absense

I am sorry for the week long absence from LoA. The reasoning behind this was so that I could prep myself for the SAT. Once again real life finally is catching up to me haha. I did make a few updates to loa but none are of note and they all deal with the chat system which "go figure" still does not work correctly however i have got the multiplayer portion of it working relatively well haha. It's not showing the say's like I want it to. I should also note that leading up to the 28th of this month I will not be able to get on due to the ACT which is my second bid to getting into college. If only they were tests on programming or javascript I'd ace em haha.

Posted by Aliphore 2009-01-13

v0.02b minor issues

Once again either my inept abilities or sourceforges inept abilities made the release date for v0.02b some time in 2006! So I changed it to the real release date you guys can download it whenever you need.

Posted by Aliphore 2009-01-05

Land of Anarchy: v0.02b released

Land of Anarchy file release version 0.02b incorporates three kinds of chat and one special command: /say, /global, /admin, and /who. /say incorporates speech bubbles. This is an UNSTABLE release. I have commented out the autoload page because it is not working 100% right now. I am releasing to show the client side. If one wishes to they can uncomment autoload and it will work except it will throw unexpected errors. (Not to mention the massive ammount of alerts I have coming from it.) I have also changed the change log into a "development diary" of sorts. I will try to release an updated version weekly if at all posible.

Posted by Aliphore 2009-01-04

Good news

I was able to recover my laptop from my friends truck. I was able to update the code fast enough to get back on track tomorow is now a more realistic timeframe of when you can expect to see v0.02b. this release adds chat. It has /say, /global, and /admin chat. /say chat includes bubbles which move with you. Also in this release I turned on the autoload page (making the game essensially "online" so if someone else joins your game you will see them walking around and chatting with you.

Posted by Aliphore 2009-01-02

Happy New Years

I have a slight annoucement. In my drunken stuper yestorday I left my laptop, which houses the land of anarchy source on it, in a friends car XD. I am working to get it back, but this probably will bump back the 0.02b release until sunday or monday.

On another note, for those of you who have viewed this project and helped bump our rank to the 4 digits thank you. For those of you who wont even see this news post a curse on all your houses haha.

Posted by Aliphore 2009-01-01


In update v0.02b, I am focusing mainly on chat and associated features. The speach bubble being the hardest of the lot to accomplish. Fortunately I like challenges so I tackled the bubbles first and it seems I've made considerable progress on them. I hope to release this version by saturday but you know how my luck is with this hu ba. Enjoy your new years and I'll work to get you guys the game you deserve.

Posted by Aliphore 2008-12-31

V0.02a minor release issues

Due to my utter stupidity i forgot to put the mysql dump into the .rar file so until the updated .rar file starts downloading with the 2 dump files you will have to download all 3 files under LoA v0.02a release under downloads which should be: loadumpv0.02a.txt, loadumpv0.02a_testroom.txt, and LoA-v0.02a.rar. I will keep everyone updated as this updates.

Posted by Aliphore 2008-12-27

File Release V0.02a

Finally, the release of Land of Anarchy Version 0.02a has arrived. A complete list of features for this release is almost imposible. I have tried in the features document located in the download. It has been almost a year since i had lost everything and had to start over with nothing and now it is further then it has ever been. This release includes both the map editor (map_main) and the game itself (game_main). Any questions can be directed in the forums I will try to release updates more often now that i have a base to work off of! You guys go ahead and download and enjoy!

Posted by Aliphore 2008-12-27

0.02a Future Release Info

Sorry for the long wait but Land of Anarchy has become sorta a project in my spare time. So updates will be far in between but will still happen. 0.02a is a MAJOR jump from 0.01 in many ways. LOA is truely 2d-isometric with online capabilities (tested and buggy as all get out but they exist) I have a new gui which i will upload a picture of once i get a decent one taken. I am still using temporary images for the players.
Expected Updates:
*Map editor for the map system including tile transparency and multilevel maps fully expandable in all directions with a fully functional script system which can be updated on the fly with no code updates what so ever!
*Online capabilities using ajax. (will probably be disabled in first release for testing purposes but will exist)
*Complete draggable menusystem with changable transparency.
*Chat system with integrated game commands such as /global, /say, /who, and /motd!
*and of course many minor features which i cant even mention here there are so many!... read more

Posted by Aliphore 2008-10-07

new file release v0.01a

Ok I figure now would be a good time to start releasing the good game... uhh yea... I got a menu... not really the most elaborate system but Im trying to make it have a good system allowing for updating because im gonna update the graphics as I go...

Posted by Aliphore 2007-02-27

bad luck

worst luck ever has required me to start over with loa... I hate it but Im doing everything under my power to fix it and recover what I can but its tricky seeing as my harddrive was wiped clean... and every available copy of the source was destroyed
(was not on here due to an error it gave me every time I tried to upload...)

Posted by Aliphore 2007-02-10

Development silence

Just informing those who are just looking at the project page, Loa will be under a long development downtime while Im gone but a previous version of the game which was used to test the mapsystem is being set up and should be up by wednesday afternoon where you can walk around and mine/fish. The game may seem simple but its rather addictive.. I even catch myself playing it XD. The updatefiles if I can ever get sourceforge file release to work then it will be up with 3 nice ripe files for you guys.

Posted by Aliphore 2006-09-27

Project Page Up!

This day is too late in coming, and only 2 days before a game update! For now the only admin from loa on this project is me but the rest of the team (once they get accounts here) will be joining me.

I hope to share with everyone out there some mightly useful information. I got alot of work ahead of me.

Posted by Aliphore 2006-09-19