Anonymous - 2004-08-13


Is LAMP5 a linux distribution specifically using PHP5 or ?

If it is a distribution, I've got a project that might be useful, called Buildog, it's for tracking the compilation of software.

I used it to build a sort of LAMP system of my own.

I think the trick is to keep everything simple, in my case I did the init scripts myself instead of using the ones from

I chose against redhat and RPM based systems, debian packages, etc.. because a pre-packaged distribution always installs stuff you don't really want.

Speaking of which, is an invaluable tool if you want to create your own linux distro.

I've wanted to create a source-only "non-distribution" around buildog, (kind of like gentoo) but with ultra-simple build scripts instead of complex spec files, and NO dependancy checks. (Other than what a packages ./Configure script might detect)

Figured one could easily modify and share each build script, so.. you compile apache, etc.. your own way.

LFS (Linux from Scratch) is a great way to build a LAMP system since it keeps all the cruft out.

The problem is in creating the initial "bootstrap working area"
from where you compile all the real stuff. To do a distribution, it would almost have to be made bootable. 

Second challenge is that compiling stuff obviously requires a compiler. One might be able to do away with this requirement using a CDROM or similiar, but the paths might get tricky.