
LamaProg / News: Recent posts

LamaProg-1.0.0 wa released

Great news: Windows version and PCB was created... Thanks to R. Cecil

Posted by Jan Parkman 2008-01-11

The End

LamaProg is death... I stoped developing it. If anyone wonts do (develop) it, I will be happy... :)

Posted by Jan Parkman 2006-12-17

LamaProg-0.2.1 released

Only bug fix:
Added resistors R6 and R7 to scheme file...

Posted by Jan Parkman 2004-02-10

LamaProg-0.2.0 released

new in 0.2.0:<br>
- added support atmel 8051 chips (only 89c1051, 89c2051 and 89c4051)

Posted by Jan Parkman 2004-02-09

LamaProg-0.1.1 is here..

--added czech language...
--installation program (make install is now working)

Posted by Jan Parkman 2004-02-04

First release is here...

It supports only i2c memoris...

Posted by Jan Parkman 2004-01-05