
Perfect Labyrinth Simulation / News: Recent posts

New View

A new view with Zoom an Movement is implemented in the current version.

Posted by sbarthel 2008-01-26

Optimization still in progress

Due to work in other project, the optimization is still in progress.

Posted by sbarthel 2007-05-23


Some optimizations are in progress

- Labyrinth field array renamed form labyrinth to fields and is now a array of type short.
- WayPoit is no longer a Point, most of the point Funktionality was not needed. The WayPoint coordinates variable are now of short type, too.
- A second optimized Labyrinth is in progress. At this time it is called LabyrinthO. In a later release it will replace the old labyrinth.

Posted by sbarthel 2007-05-02

New Interfaces and Structure

Some structure dependent changes are made. For this some Interfaces are generated and the labyrinth it self is now a graphical object and the programmer has the ability to switch the labyrinth. Some other issues are:

- Interface for Labyrinth robot communication
- Interface for the graphical view
- ViewPanel only for viewing and for nothing else
- Starting to optimize memory useage

Posted by sbarthel 2007-05-01

Next Targets

The target are:

- to find more algorithms and implement them
- combine some algorithms to work together
- maybe a 3D environment

Posted by sbarthel 2007-03-24