
Call library function node, error 1097

  • Nicholas Lee-Hone

    I am getting the following error: 1097: Call Library Function Node in

    I am using labview 2015 SP1 32-bit, and installed labview-zmq through VIPM with version number:
    ZeroMQ Socket Library v3.4.0.106

    Can anyone help me debug this error?

  • Nicholas Lee-Hone

    I get the following information from the lvzmq.log file:

    02/11/17-21:46:28 ATTACH library
    02/11/17-21:46:28 RESERVE call #1 to 0B92E580
    02/11/17-21:46:31 UNRESERVE instance 0B92E580 -> 0 items
    02/11/17-21:46:31 UNRESERVE complete 0B92E580

    The lvzmq-err.log file is empty, but I'm not sure if this just means the program crashed before it had time to flush messages to the file?

  • Martijn Jasperse

    Sorry for the late reply, I was on holiday and this got lost in my email backlog. To confirm, this error occurs when you run any of the examples? Can you run successfully? Error 1097 is almost always a segmentation fault, which is surprising in this instance. I can send you a debug version of the DLL that should narrow down where it is failing.



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