
Got corruption with error 1097 calling library lvzmq32.dll function lvzmq_get_monitor_event

Blaz Kelbl
  • Blaz Kelbl

    Blaz Kelbl - 2019-01-18


    we're experiencing sporadic crashes of the lvzmq32 when calling the lvzmq_get_monitor_event wrapper VI (complete log attached) . We're not sire how to replicate the problem, but hopefully the explanation will suffice.

    I cannot attach the entire code, but I'll attach/describe relevant portions of it:
    initialization.png vi snippet is the executed in the beginning:

    We monitor the conection using code in the monitor.png snippet, where the error occurs.

    General overview of the operation:
    we're sending data in the main thread via the internal socket (inproc://backend) and receiving and copying it to the tcp socket in a separate process. Reception is done on the tcp socket and processed directly in labview, not resent to the inproc://backend. In the main thread we're also monitoring the connection (monitor.png)

    We have some indication that simply ignoring the error raised by zmq_get_monitor "solves" the issue, but regardless naturally we're concerned.

    Please let me know if you need any aditional information.


    Last edit: Blaz Kelbl 2019-01-18
  • Martijn Jasperse

    Hmm, there's some "magic" internals involved in lvzmq_get_monitor_event() that I'll need to check on. I'm guessing this is LV2017-32bit? I've attached a debug build which will generate a log file in %TEMP%/lvzmq.log. Please run your example and send the log file. Also, have you tried executing the example - does that work or crash?

  • Blaz Kelbl

    Blaz Kelbl - 2019-01-21


    I replaced the dll with the one attached (and it is correct, LabVIEW 2017 32-bit (no service pack 1)), however now creating the context returns error 42 (Generic error).

  • Martijn Jasperse

    Ah my mistake, you also need the new libzmq32.dll or it will fail to load (attached) which is presumably the cause of the error 42.


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