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File Date Author Commit
 bash-config 2018-08-06 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [3ae2ea] bash config: useful VXL stuff
 templates 2014-04-15 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [cffe1b] topcoder template
 vim 2014-10-08 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [5e3dce] java stuff with quickfix build maven support
 vxl 2023-07-28 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [599cd8] OpenMVG rootdir
 wiki 2015-10-20 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [7731d9] slides update
 2eps 2016-10-26 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [277dfc] script to move checked in Git files/folders to ...
 COPYING 2014-04-15 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [f6f672] GPL'd
 README 2016-11-12 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [aeceb0] simplified readme
 black2blue 2017-11-27 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [ea3c60] script to convert black text to blue in PDF
 configure-mac-for-programming 2023-01-04 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [496dcd] spacers in doc
 configure-ubuntu-for-programming 2022-09-16 Carlos Luide Bião dos Reis Carlos Luide Bião dos Reis [5608ec] configuring ubuntu script update for 22.04 2021-06-11 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [2fdfd2] configuring linux for programming wiki copy
 cx 2012-04-15 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [57a6bb] added more utils
 detab 2012-04-15 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [57a6bb] added more utils
 ff 2019-02-26 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [a2b12b] more vxl utils
 fn 2020-06-16 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [eaee62] openMVG support on getswitchpath, kinesis karab...
 ga 2024-05-07 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [1f3030] em edits main.pdf or paper.pdf in that order i...
 git-mv-tracked 2016-11-08 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [a02fc8] some changes
 hl 2023-01-04 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [496dcd] spacers in doc
 lsc 2020-06-16 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [eaee62] openMVG support on getswitchpath, kinesis karab...
 mplaylist 2013-11-27 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [2d9712] working with darwing plus escaping input string
 mvh 2022-05-19 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [295593] noew scripts
 my_unix_cents.txt 2022-03-16 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [5a02bd] mac dev config script
 myscan 2014-05-23 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [fe8a24] new function to do commandline scanning using SANE
 mytrim 2014-04-11 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [714e34] new vxl scripts plus improvements to mytrim and...
 myunmount 2021-10-26 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [e985bf] updated unmount scripts for mac
 myunmount-all 2021-10-26 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [e985bf] updated unmount scripts for mac
 noext 2021-06-15 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [5b3798] extension remover
 number-of-project-lines 2019-01-14 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [d906ba] utility to count lines
 ow 2012-04-15 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [ed43c5] initial utils
 parse_args 2017-03-10 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [c12b3f] shell script template to parse multiple arguments
 play-many-videos 2014-05-09 Mauro de Amorim Mauro de Amorim [cc9a7a] tocador quase profissional
 reduce-pdf-size 2018-08-06 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [9d727a] pdf updates
 scisearch 2013-11-27 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [2d9712] working with darwing plus escaping input string
 subst 2019-01-12 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [9d5b37] minor new utils
 subst.sed 2024-05-07 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [1f3030] em edits main.pdf or paper.pdf in that order i...
 transfer-speed-from-size 2014-04-11 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [714e34] new vxl scripts plus improvements to mytrim and...
 upgrade-gcc-ubuntu 2019-02-28 Ricardo Fabbri Ricardo Fabbri [94b41b] gcc upgrade script

Read Me


This is a collection of unix and other misc. utilities by the Lab Macambira

== Description of the Tools ==

* configure-ubuntu-for-programming - run a series of configurations, among
  apt-get's and other things, for setting up a full-fledged programming
  environment from a raw ubuntu installation. 

* ow - overwrite files in a pipe (adapted from Kernighan & Pike)

* subst - massive in-place substitution on sets of files 
       find . |xargs subst

* subst.sed - file that contains the search-and-replace SED commands

* 2eps - convert images to EPS using the best available tool
        2eps *.png

* cx - basically just a shortcut to chmod a+x

* lsc - search like 'find .' but using a list of source code extensions, in
order to skip unwanted files

* mytrim - cut excess homogeneous borders of a figure. works for both raster
formats like .png, .jpg, as well as for vector formats such as .eps

* detab - remove tabs from files

* scisearch - speacialized search for working with the Scilab sourcecode tree,
based on locate. Can be easily adapted to other software

* my_unix_cents.txt - a collection of unix tips and tricks

== See Also == - a large and very useful collection of shell utilities

== Authors ==

Ricardo Fabbri and the rest of the Lab Macambira team