
L-Bot / News: Recent posts

Development has started again

I've updated the project language to c++. Codeing is coming along nicely...

Posted by Andrew  Jones 2005-11-12

Engines, engines...

Since L-Bot is using a large amount of lighting it should be a 3D/2.5D game. So OpenGL it is...Hence I need a gfx engine. I've heard a few good things about ogre and I'm going to dive head 1st into it this weekend and see what comes up. The ogre python binding is only ready for prime time so L-Bot is going to be a C++ project (for a while :). There is a new cvs module: l-bot-ogre-alpha, which is a skeleton c++/orge tree. Pretty much only the autoconf and demo ogre c++ file exist there. It also needs some cleaning. ... read more

Posted by Andrew  Jones 2005-05-24

Initial alpha cvs checkin complete

The alpha tree is called l-bot-alpha-cvs. This tree will contain all pre-beta development.

Only minimal code base complete

Posted by Andrew  Jones 2005-05-08