
can't enter use my local weather station

  • roadrash

    roadrash - 2005-12-12

    I have just installed suse linux 10 on my spare PC & when I tried to set kweather to my local weather station it just defauts back to "unknown station" even though the kweather setup shows my local station.
    Could you tell me where on the hard disk I can find the kweather config containg the settings so that I can manualy edit & enter the correct station code.

    • Angelo Angheloff

      All stations are in /usr/share/apps/kweatherservice/stations.dat

    • Mason Mouse

      Mason Mouse - 2006-12-25

      I'm seeing the same behavior on Gentoo. I've done "grep -ri weather /usr/share/*" and "grep -ri weather /home/*" and can't find any configuration file. Any ideas?

    • Mason Mouse

      Mason Mouse - 2006-12-26

      I've discovered a work-around for the problem. If you add two weather stations to your list then the UNKNOWN STATION drop-down adds them both. It just won't display if you only have one station  selected.

    • splott

      splott - 2007-03-22

      Um, I've had this problem with KWeather for quite a long time now and I still have it, my workaround was to get the firefox weather plugin instead.  But it's gone on long enuf and I'm going to report it as a bug.

      FYI, the "workaround" logged here doesn't even work for me, I add two stations and they both appeared from the drop-down, but then as soon as I exit the config it reverts to "Unknown Station" and gives me a "Station Does Not Exist!" pop-up.

    • J. L. Turriff

      J. L. Turriff - 2007-07-22


      I just was going through this same sequence of problems:

      kweather showed only UNKNOWN STATION in the dropdown.

      I tried using the Weather Service Setup part of the config GUI to add a couple of stations, but it didn't seem to do anything.

      After poking around a bit I found the KWeatherStationrc file in ~/.kde3/share/config, and saw that the stations that I had selected were in the file.

      I tried removing and re-adding the applet, but it didn't help.

      Then I found a discussion at the OpenSuSE site where someone recommended using

      dcop kicker Panel restart

      to restart the panel.  After doing this a couple of times I noticed that the pulldown now showed an additional entry that I could select.

      Once I switched to the real station, the Weather Service Setup list showed the UNKNOWN STATION entry, which I removed.

      Interestingly, the stations that I had selected with Weather Service Setup seem to have no relationship to the ones that I entered into the KWeatherStationrc file. (?)

      Hope this is helpful.

      J. L. Turriff


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