
CarOS / News: Recent posts

New homepage

We've got a new homepage... yup, a *real* homepage... ;)

Progress is slow, but there *is* progress. I've got a small interface talking away w/Jabber, and will be building upon it over the next few days to create a simple MP3 playing app.

Posted by Micheal Kelly 2001-05-21

MZ104 board

Received an MZ104 board from the Embedded Linux Journal the other day. It's a nice little board, Slackware Linux runs quite nicely on it. I've got a basic install running now, with a Jabber server installed. Working on coming up with a basic GPS package...

Posted by Micheal Kelly 2001-04-23

Update - 2/9/01

Jabber 1.4 was just released:

I expect to have it up and running on port 5222 on our test server for
experimentation purposes shortly.

Scott Holmes is looking at a Palm-based interface to CarOS (and Linux in
general). More info will be posted in the Interfaces portion of the ZWiki

I'm planning on spending a good chunk of this weekend doing more architecture
and design work on CarOS. Areas I want to tackle are:... read more

Posted by Micheal Kelly 2001-02-09

Cleanup & A fresh start

With the announcement that my CarOS proposal is a finalist in the ELJ's contest, I decided it was time for a fresh start. I'm in the process of cleaning up the CVS repository (no CarOS code existed - only some old serial code I was playing with). For the past several months, this site served as a discussion forum for vehicle computing related issues. Now, I'd like to take it to the next level and actually produce some designs and code. Look for more information soon.

Posted by Micheal Kelly 2001-02-01

Contest Results

I just received an email from Don Marti at the Embedded Linux Journal - CarOS is one of the finalists in the ELJ's MZ104 Embedded Design contest!

In the next few days look for changes at the CarOS website (

Posted by Micheal Kelly 2001-02-01

Linux Journal Contest

Tomorrow we find out if CarOS has been accepted as one of 100 open-source embedded linux projects. I've been keeping quiet with the site updates until all the contest submissions were in, but expect to see some new stuff posted in documentation soon.

Posted by Micheal Kelly 2001-02-01

Embedded Linux Journal Contest

The Linux Journal has a new "sister" publication - the Embedded Linux Journal ( - Subscriptions are free to those in North America, so go sign up if you want a copy.

The ELJ is sponsoring an embedded Linux contest - I've entered CarOS - they'll pick 100 "winners", each of whom will receive an embedded x86 board (PC-104 style), development tools, and more in Feb. 2001... and in Aug. 2001 the top 5 projects will be chosen. Should be interesting.

Posted by Micheal Kelly 2000-11-03

Mailing lists

There are now three CarOS mailing lists, hosted by Sourceforge:


They can be accessed from the CarOS Project Summary page.

Posted by Micheal Kelly 2000-04-26

CarOS Project forms...

Well, the projects been approved and we're online.
Please check the discussion areas - I've started a topic outlining a few ideas that I've had as to what I'd like to see in CarOS. Feel free to add whatever you like. The site may be a little sparse for the next few days, but I intend to post some more info this weekend.

Posted by Micheal Kelly 2000-04-26