


Kubos requires the following components to work:
Python 2.6.6 (Download:
PyQt 4.9.5 (Download:
pythonOCC 0.5 (Download:

Download and install them from the given links.

Kubos itself can be downloaded from . In order to install it extract the contents of the zip archive into a folder on your hard drive. Kubos can be started by double-clicking on the file "run_kubos_windows.bat" in the "bin" folder.

Debian 7

Install the package "python-qt4" from your package manager.

Download and install the following packages:

64 bit: liboce, python-occ
32 bit: liboce, python-occ

Download Kubos from and extract the contents of the zip archive into a folder on your hard drive. Kubos can be started by executing the file "" in the "bin" folder.

Compile on Debian Testing

March 4, 2014: This is not working at the moment because of conflicting versions (Debian has OCE 0.15 while pythonOCC requires OCE 0.12)

Kubos can be installed on Debian testing if pythonOCC is compiled manually. The advantage of this is that the installation will not conflict with existing CAD programs (like FreeCAD).

Install the following Debian packages:

  • any packages starting with liboce-
  • swig, cmake, mesa-common-dev, python-dev, libx11-dev, cmake-qt-gui

Download the latest version of pythonOCC:

Extract the downloaded zip folder to your disk.
Then, start the application "cmake-qt-gui" (simply called "cmake" in the application menu). For the source code directory, select the directory where you extracted the downloaded zip folder. For the build directory, create a new subdirectory in the source code directory and call it "cmake-build".

Click on "Configure"

A list of options will be generated. Change the following options to the given values:


OCE_INCLUDE_PATH: /usr/include/oce

Click on "Configure" again

Click on "Generate"

Open a terminal, go to the cmake-build directory and enter the command:


This will build pythonOCC in the cmake-build directory. When done, execute the command:

make install

Download Kubos from and extract the contents of the zip archive into a folder on your hard drive. Kubos can be started by executing the file "" in the "bin" folder.

Other operating systems

The required components should work on most other operating systems as well. If you can provide installation instructions for other operating systems, please share them in the discussion forums.


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