
The Kava Telnet Application / News: Recent posts

SSHv2 Working

Thanks to the JTAJsch and Jsch projects, I got ssh v2 working for our needs. If there is any problem I am happy to help.

Posted by Kosta Servis 2008-03-03

KTA 1.1 Released

This release includes a few small bugfixes. The version number bump is due to finally fixing the annoying "space on the end of the hostname" bug.

Posted by Alison Winters 2006-01-20

KTA 1.0 Released

The first release of the Kava Telnet Application is here. It can be downloaded in source and binary formats. It features a few new plugins not included in the JTA 2.6 and a couple of reliability patches submitted by JTA users. Feedback is welcomed, as are bug reports and of course patches. Enjoy!

Posted by Alison Winters 2005-10-11