

Manual (7)
Konrad Twardowski

KDE Action Restrictions

Requires KShutdown 2.1 Beta (compiled using KDE libraries).

See Kiosk Introduction for more information.

A list of supported KDE Action Restrictions:

Key User Interface Element
action/file_quit Action -> Quit
action/options_configure Settings -> Configure KShutdown...
action/options_configure_keybinding Settings -> Configure Shortcuts...
action/options_configure_notifications Settings -> Configure Notifications...
action/switch_application_language Help -> Switch Application Language...
kshutdown/action/cancel Main Window -> Cancel, System Tray Menu -> Cancel
kshutdown/action/extras Extras
kshutdown/action/hibernate Hibernate Computer
kshutdown/action/lock Lock Screen
kshutdown/action/logout Logout
kshutdown/action/reboot Restart Computer
kshutdown/action/shutdown Turn Off Computer
kshutdown/action/suspend Suspend Computer (Sleep)
kshutdown/action/test Test Action
kshutdown/progress_bar/menu Progress Bar Context Menu


Disable the "Turn Off Computer" action

  1. Edit ~/.kde/share/config/kshutdownrc file manually
  2. Find or add [KDE Action Restrictions] configuration group
  3. Add kshutdown/action/shutdown=false configuration entry

or run:

$ kwriteconfig --file kshutdownrc \
  --group "KDE Action Restrictions" \
  --key "kshutdown/action/shutdown" --type bool false

Password Protection

Requires KShutdown 3.1 Beta.

To enable password protection:

  1. Click Settings -> Password -> Enable Password Protection
  2. Create a new password
  3. Select the actions you want to protect (e.g. Turn Off Computer)