
KsetiSpy for Windows ???

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Could you tell me if KsetiSpy will be available for Windows xp.

    I haven't Linux

    Thanks a lot

    A little french guy

    • Roberto Virga

      Roberto Virga - 2005-01-02

      For Windows XP there's SETI Spy:
      which very, very similar (KSetiSpy was actually born as a clone of SETI Spy). For caching workunits you can use SETI Driver:

      - Roberto

      • Roberto Virga

        Roberto Virga - 2005-01-02

        Correction - the second URL (SETI Driver) should be:

        - Roberto

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Yes, but for Boinc I think I can't use setispy

      KsetiSpy seems perfect for me.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Sorry, Kboincspy seems perfect for me

      I would like to find an emulator pour Kboincspy

      Could you tell me if it's possible ?

      • Roberto Virga

        Roberto Virga - 2005-01-02

        Oh, you meant KBoincSpy. I was confused by the title - KSetiSpy is not for BOINC, KBoincSpy is. They are different programs.

        There's a program for Windows XP called BoincSpy:
        It's not very similar to KBoincSpy, but it's good nonetheless.

        Getting KBoincSpy to run on Windows XP right now is nearly impossible: the simplest way to do it would be through KDE for Cygwin ( ), but they currently have only up to KDE 3.1 while KBoincSpy requires at least KDE 3.3. Perhaps when they'll port KDE 3.3 to Cygwin.

        - Roberto

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thanks a lot Roberto


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