
#13 A little help which I would have loved to have when I started

v1.0 (example)

How to create sar files that can be read by kSar
LC_ALL=C /usr/lib64/sa/sa2 -A
output file will be on /var/log/sa/sarDD

Open multiple files on GUI from command line:
java -jar /root/kSar-5.0.6/kSar.jar -input '/root/store/sarfile-serv1' -input '/root/store/sarfile-serv2' &

You can add as much as you want, always using -input 'sar-file'

Graphic files from command line:
java -jar /root/kSar-5.0.6/kSar.jar -cpuFixedAxis -graph "all-cpu LinuxioSar LinuxkbmemSar LinuxkbswpSar LinuxpgpSar LinuxprocSar" -input '/root/store/sarfile-serv1' -outputPNG /root/store/graphs/sarfile-serv1-MAY27

-graph list of graphics names can be taken from exporting PNG or JPG files from GUI, just take a look of the names of the files exported and use the same for the list of graphics you want to get with the -graph flag.

kSar Help:
[root@MyServ kSar-5.0.6]# java -jar kSar.jar -help
kSar version: 5.0.6
-version: show kSar version number
-help: show this help
-input <arg>: argument must be either ssh://user@host/command or cmd://command or file://path/to/file or just /path/to/file
-graph <graph list="">: space separated list of graph you want to be outputed
-showCPUstacked: will make the CPU used graph as stacked
-showMEMstacked: will make the Memory graph as stacked (linux only)
-cpuFixedAxis: will graph CPU used with fixed axis from 0% to 100%
-showIntrListstacked : will make the Interrupt List graph as stacked
-showTrigger: will show trigger on graph (disabled by default)
-noEmptyDisk: will not export disk with no data
-tile: will tile window
-userPrefs: will use the userPrefs for outputing graphs (last export of this host)
-showOnlygraphName: will only print graph name available for that data (to be use for -graph)
-addHTML: will create an html page with PNG/JPG image
-outputPDF <pdf file=""> : output the pdf report to the pdf file
-outputPNG <base filename=""> : output the graphs to PNG file using argument as base filename
-outputJPG <base filename=""> : output the graphs to JPG file using argument as base filename
-outputCSV <CSV file=""> : output the CSV file
-width <size> : make JPG/PNG with specified width size (default: 800)
-height <size> : make JPG/PNG with specified height size (default: 600)
-startdate <date> : will graph the range begining at that time
-enddate <date> : will graph the range until that date
-solarisPagesize <pagesize in="" B="">: will set solaris pagesize
-wizard: open with unified login popup
-replaceShortcut <xml file="">: replace all shortcut with those in the xml file
-addShortcut <xml file="">: add shortcut from the xml file
-startup: open window marked for opening at startup

That's it!, enjoy!


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