Activity for ksar : a sar grapher

  • Randy The Man Randy The Man created ticket #31

    Chart Color Labeling

  • Anonymous modified a comment on ticket #9

    status: open --> open-fixed

  • commmorancy commmorancy posted a comment on ticket #18

    While you may have found your answer to this issue, I will respond. If your system...

  • commmorancy commmorancy created ticket #20

    Receiving error 'Unable to connect' when attempting SSH

  • Paweł Pałucha Paweł Pałucha posted a comment on ticket #19

    Please see my fork at - it should parse...

  • nachiket kate nachiket kate created ticket #19

    Ksar is unable to generate graphs with sysstat 10.1.5

  • Roger Michoud Roger Michoud posted a comment on ticket #23

    I have run through the same problem but I found the solution. You need to run it...

  • Anonymous modified a comment on ticket #9

    status: open --> open-fixed

  • Gnanashekar Subramani Gnanashekar Subramani created ticket #25

    ksar graph for some Linux servers don't show CPU time spent on I/O wait.

  • Vikas Agrawal Vikas Agrawal created ticket #30

    RHEL 7x compatibility

  • fvalente fvalente modified a comment on ticket #15

    Below perl script can be used to convert the sar file to 24 hours clock representation...

  • fvalente fvalente posted a comment on ticket #15

    Below perl script can be used to convert tehe sar file to 24 hours clock representation...

  • Joebin M Joebin M created ticket #18

    Does not work

  • King Arthur King Arthur created ticket #29

    Open multiple files with drag and drop

  • Shweta Shweta created ticket #17

    Duplicates are not permitted : SeriesException

  • byter byter posted a comment on ticket #4

    It is not working at my end: LC_ALL=C; sar -A -f /var/log/sysstat/201508/sa11 > /home/lnunez/Escritorio/sar-all.log;...

  • byter byter created ticket #16

    java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "6,85"

  • tekkalinux tekkalinux posted a comment on ticket #15

    Hello, I just came on this and spent some time to check. It seems strange nobody...

  • David Wright David Wright created ticket #28

    Add disk/cpu heatmaps

  • bill hudacek bill hudacek posted a comment on ticket #15

    FYI, looks like only the 'beta4' 5.1 is broken this way. Also FYI, I had to remove...

  • bill hudacek bill hudacek posted a comment on ticket #15

    If someone could provide an example of the expected sar text file format I might...

  • bill hudacek bill hudacek created ticket #15

    kSar can't read sarNN files on Fedora 20 or RHEL 6.5

  • smeo00 smeo00 created ticket #14

    -startup option does not open windows

  • jploaiza jploaiza created ticket #13

    A little help which I would have loved to have when I started

  • Anonymous modified a comment on ticket #5

    summary: select scecific graph in commnad line. --> select specific graph in command...

  • Ken Ken created ticket #12

    java.lang.NumberFormatException NaNQ

  • Anonymous modified a comment on ticket #5

    summary: select scecific graph in commnad line. --> select specific graph in command...

  • Anonymous modified a comment on ticket #5

    summary: select scecific graph in commnad line. --> select specific graph in command...

  • Anonymous modified a comment on ticket #5

    summary: select scecific graph in commnad line. --> select specific graph in command...

  • Anonymous modified a comment on ticket #5

    summary: select scecific graph in commnad line. --> select specific graph in command...