
signal 11 (SIGSEGV)

  • Nickolaos Fotopoulos

    running KDE 3.1.2 and QT 3.1.2 both are installed in /opt
    ./configure --prefix=/opt/kde
    This seemed to work just fine
    spit out lots of warnings that i don't really know enough about to comment on, but never the less compiled successfully without errors
    make install
    ran fine appears to have installed the plugin ok.  I can see it in the control panel but as soon as i click on it to view it it crashed with a signal 11.

    Any ideas?

    • - 2003-08-26

      I'm having the exact same problem

    • Boris Ivanov

      Boris Ivanov - 2003-10-29

      Me too.
      It configure, compile, install with no errors.
      It apear in control center, but as soon as I click on Samba Configuration it crashes.
      Any ideas pls.

      • Jan Schäfer

        Jan Schäfer - 2003-10-30

        Hi guys,

        currently I'm too busy to work on KSambaPlugin.
        In two or three weeks, however, I will have time for it.
        The new version will fix the crashes you have reported, will be Samba 2.0 feature complete and will work with Samba 3.0.
        So hold on and visit the webpage in about 3 weeks again.


            Jan Schaefer

    • Jan Schäfer

      Jan Schäfer - 2003-10-30

      For those of you who don't want to wait so long, there is perhaps a temporary solution: Try the CVS-version.
      You can get the CVS verision of KSambaPlugin from the KDE CVS. It is located at kdenonbeta/kcm_sambaconf.
      Read the instructions on how to retrieve it.


      Jan Schaefer


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