
Security Level parameter

Rui Costa
  • Rui Costa

    Rui Costa - 2003-07-11

    In SuseLinux 8.1 and 8.2, when I use this plugin the parameter Security Level = user disapears. This happened in all the computers I used the plugin. Everything goes ok when reconfigured by hand or with Webmin (for example).

    • Jan Schäfer

      Jan Schäfer - 2003-12-14

      This is no bug, this is a feature!
      All parameters, that have the default value are deleted.
      security = share is the default value, so it
      disappears. Samba will still use security = share!
      You can check this by using the testparm program.


      Jan Schfer

    • Karsten Hoffrath

      Sorry, but this is a bug :). He is talking about security = user. If the plugin writes smb.conf back to disk, the security parameter isn't written if it is set to server in the GUI.


      Karsten Hoffrath


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