
Krysalis Community Project / News: Recent posts

Krysalis Barcode 1.0 beta release

The Krysalis Team is proud to announce Krysalis Barcode 1.0 beta.

About Krysalis Barcode

Krysalis Barcode is a barcode generation package written in Java
and available under The Krysalis Patchy Software License
(which is based on the Apache Software License Version 1.1).


1D barcode implementations:
- Interleaved 2 of 5
- Code 39
- Codabar
- Code 128
- UPC-A and UPC-E (with supplementals)
- EAN-13 and EAN-8 (with supplementals)
- POSTNET... read more

Posted by Nick Chalko 2003-10-31

New Logo for Krysalis!

Krysalis has a new logo from Frederic <>.

We will be tweaking the design now and make smaller and vector versions.

Thanks to all that have submitted logos, I hope that you all like the new one.

Posted by Nicola Ken Barozzi 2003-10-08

Krysalis Version 0.9 (release candidate 1) available

The Krysalis Version team is pleased to announce that Krysalis Version 0.9 (release candidate 1) development has been concluded.

Krysalis Version provides a foundation for discovery and programmatic manipulation of version information, primarily for packages. Krysalis Version will "introspect" an environment to determine what versions are available, allowing users to assert constraints for their package. ... read more

Posted by Adam Jack 2003-08-04

Krysalis Logo Contest!

Krysalis needs a logo, please help us find one!

Submit us your creations to
They will be added to the poll page, voted, and then the krysalis committers will decide based on the poll results.

Thanks :-)

Posted by Nicola Ken Barozzi 2003-07-03

RefactorIT free for Krysalis Projects!

RefactorIT, the Java Refactoring Tool is now avaliable free of charge for all Krysalis Projects.

This means that all org.krysalis.* packages can be refactored *without limitation*, along with up to 50 foreign classes.

We would like to thank the RefactorIT team for supporting OpenSource.

Posted by Nicola Ken Barozzi 2003-06-12

New PMC Member: Welcome, Adam Jack!

The current PMC members have voted to make Adam Jack part of the Krysalis Project PMC, because of the oustanding work and dedication given to Krysalis, and the outcome was positive.

This means that we have a new member onboard, and a new Krysalis Project admin ( He will also be part of the Krysalis Association as soon as legal papers are done.

Welcome on board! :-)

Posted by Nicola Ken Barozzi 2003-06-12

Krysalis Centipede 1.0.0-beta5 released

Krysalis Centipede - Krysalis Centipede Released
The Krysalis Centipede team is proud to announce
the 1.0.0-beta5 release of Krysalis Centipede.
Krysalis Centipede is a project build system based
on Apache Ant.

About Krysalis Centipede
Krysalis Centipede is a project build system based
on Apache Ant. Centipede uses prepackaged modules
called "cents" that it downloads and installs automatically.
Cents can be used as Ant tasks or easy to use targets.
Forrest is a powerful cent based on Cocoon that gives
the power of the Forrest project in building project
documentation.... read more

Posted by Nick Chalko 2003-06-06

Krysalis Barcode 0.9 released

The Krysalis Team is proud to announce the first release the Krysalis Barcode (0.9) which is a barcode generation package written in Java.

About Krysalis Barcode

Krysalis Barcode is a barcode generation package written in Java and available under The Krysalis Patchy Software License (which is based on the Apache Software License Version 1.1).

Krysalis Barcode currently supports the following barcode symbologies:
- Interleaved 2 of 5
- Code 39
- Codabar
- Code 128
- EAN-8 and EAN-13 (with supplementals)
- UPC-E and UPC-A (with supplementals) ... read more

Posted by Nicola Ken Barozzi 2003-05-12

New Commiter: Adam Jack

Welcome Adam as a new Krysalis Comiter.
Adam is leading the Version project.

Adam's work on Version give me confidence that Kryaslis will grow and have a bright future.

Posted by Nick Chalko 2003-02-11

New Commiter: Jeremy Aston

Jeremy Aston has been accepted into our community.

Jeremy started off by contributing the Torque cent, and continues to improve centipede.

Welcome Jeremy

Posted by Nick Chalko 2003-02-11

New PMC Member: Welcome, Nick!

The current PMC members have voted to make Nick Chalko part of the Krysalis Project PMC, because of the oustanding work and dedication given to Krysalis, and the outcome was positive.

This means that we have a new member onboard, and a new Krysalis Project admin ( Nick will also be part of the Krysalis Association as soon as legal papers are done.

Welcome on board! :-)

Posted by Nicola Ken Barozzi 2002-12-16

Centipede 1.0.0-beta4 released

Krysalis Centipede - Krysalis Centipede Released
The Krysalis Centipede team is proud to announce
the 1.0.0-beta4 release of Krysalis Centipede, which is a bugfix release for beta 3.
Krysalis Centipede is a project build system based
on Apache Ant.

About Krysalis Centipede
Krysalis Centipede is a project build system based
on Apache Ant. Centipede uses prepackaged modules
called "cents" that it downloads and installs automatically.
Cents can be used as Ant tasks or easy to use targets.
Forrest is a powerful cent based on Cocoon that gives
the power of the Forrest project in building project
documentation.... read more

Posted by Nicola Ken Barozzi 2002-12-15

Centipede 1.0.0-beta3 released

The Krysalis Centipede team is proud to announce the 1.0.0-beta3 release of Krysalis Centipede. Krysalis Centipede is a project build system based on Apache Ant. Krysalis Centipede is a project build system based on Apache Ant. Centipede uses pre-packaged modules called "cents" that it downloads and installs automatically. Cents can be used as Ant tasks or easy to use targets.

For example, Forrest is an XML standards oriented project
documentation framework based on Apache Cocoon. In order to assist your
projects adoption of this powerful documentation generation tool
we have packaged it as a cent that will (optionally) be automatically downloaded,
installed and used to build project documentation which includes output from
other cents such as Javadoc, JDepend, Checkstyle and many others.... read more

Posted by Nicola Ken Barozzi 2002-12-04

Getting ready for Centipede Beta 3

Heads up, we are getting ready for a new beta of Centipede.

It boasts a much improved design with the latest Ant development features and a standalone installation.

Stay tuned, we're happy to hear from you on our mailing lists!

Posted by Nicola Ken Barozzi 2002-11-14

Krysalis Metamorphosis - starting new projects

The Krysalis Community Project has decided to start a new project called Metamorphosis, to aid in the creation of new Opensource projects starting from scratch, with a particular attention to the wellness of the communities.

Currently there is an initial workflow community working on the project.

We are confident this will be of help to programmers that need help in starting OS projects. read more

Posted by Nicola Ken Barozzi 2002-09-10

New committer: Welcome Nick!

Nick Chalko, has been accepted in our community.

He is a into Centipede, and is avidly working to fix out the bugs remaining.

Welcome Nick! :-)

Posted by Nicola Ken Barozzi 2002-08-31

New committer: Welcome David!

David Bernard, after weeks of good advice, discussion and patches, has ben accepted in our community.

He is a core Centipede fan, and is now working well to help us get a release.

Welcome David! :-)

Posted by Nicola Ken Barozzi 2002-08-30

Krysalis has a Wiki!

Thanks to Andrew C. Oliver we now have a Wiki, where the latest ideas, links, docs or whatever can be placed.

Have a look, and start the edit!

Posted by Nicola Ken Barozzi 2002-08-18

Krysalis Wings Merges with jCharts

jCharts has joined the Krysalis Community project and Krysalis Wings development will be merged into jCharts! We found there to be a duplication of efforts in the projects so it made more sense to merge the projects and developer resources than to run down parallel paths.

So what does this mean to Wings users? All development will continue at the jCharts site on Sourceforge and we will merge the Wings developers and community there.... read more

Posted by Nicola Ken Barozzi 2002-07-17

New Project: ant-tasks with JsDoc!

Thanks to a donation from SICREDI (A credit cooperative banking company located in the South of Brazil) we have started the krysalis-ant-tasks project, that will contain tasks to be used with Jakarta Ant.

Initial import done with JsDoc (Javadoc for Javascript), JTidyTask (cleans html files) and IZPressHtmlCompressTask, that compresses HTML files by removing redundant tags and spaces.

The project is maintained by three new developers:
vladodias - Vladimir Gonsalves Dias
echofloripa - Emerson Cargnin
mailton - Mailton Almeida ... read more

Posted by Nicola Ken Barozzi 2002-07-05

Centipede 1.0 beta 2 Released!

We're happy to announce the second beta of Centipede.

This beta contains much more documentation, fixes coming from user feedback,
enhanced descriptors, and a target to create automatic descriptors' and
cents' documentation.

We have integrated the Maven docs generation and the Maven xref generation
using a cent, along with numerous bugfixes.
The docs are generated from the same Forrest DTD. This way users can decide
to switch in any moment, preventing lock-in.... read more

Posted by Nicola Ken Barozzi 2002-05-08

Centipede 1.0 beta 1 Released!

The first beta is out :-)

There are so many changes that it's better if you just download it and try it.

We're in beta, so now it's bugfix, bigfix, bugfix.

Posted by Nicola Ken Barozzi 2002-04-30

New Module: Charts with Krysalis Wings

A new CVS module is in the repo: krysalis-wings.
It's a simle package for line, bar and pie charts.
It's used in the Apache Cocoon scratchpad.

Posted by Nicola Ken Barozzi 2002-04-08