
Krimpy - IRC based file sharing utility. / News: Recent posts

New GRETA COM release

A new version of the GETA COM regular expression object has been released. This version corrects a bug, which crashed the object when trying to retrieve empty groups from the match result.

Posted by Jackie Treehorn 2003-08-24

Regular Expressions for Visual Basic

Krimpy is in serious need of a regular expression engine. After reviewing some of the options for Visual Basic, I decided to write an ATL COM wrapper around Eric Niebler's regular expression C++ class, GRETA:

GRETA COM allows you to use regular expressions in any COM aware development environment, such as Visual Basic.

For more information on GRETA, it's license, or the latest source code, visit Eric's site:... read more

Posted by Jackie Treehorn 2003-07-15

Krimpy v0.1.2 Released

A new release of Krimpy, the Open Source file sharing client, is now available. Version 0.1.2 includes:

An integrated media player, supporting mp3, mpg, jpg, etc.

id3 parsing for mp3 files. id3 information is now stored in your shared media catalog. A new window has been added for viewing your catalog files and their id3 tags.

IdentD server support

Configurable program settings, including server name, user name, etc. Settings are stored in an XML file.... read more

Posted by Jackie Treehorn 2003-06-14

Cyber Squatters Reserve

This week, cyber squatters reserved the domain name and quickly posted a web page loaded with pop-ups and blind links loosely related to file sharing applications.

The guilty party:

Posted by Jackie Treehorn 2003-04-27

ZeroPaid Forum Discusses Krimpy

A discussion about Krimpy on

Posted by Jackie Treehorn 2003-04-27

France and U.S. resolve differences !

The Krimpy homepage is now available in French:

Thanks to Atmaniak, who has joined the team as a translator. Future additions will include a French version of the quickstart guide as well as French menus in Krimpy.

Posted by Jackie Treehorn 2003-04-27

Krimpy featured on IRC Junkie

IRC Junkie has included a Krimpy release notice in their news section. Special thanks to Asmo for the mention.

Posted by Jackie Treehorn 2003-04-24

Krimpy now available!

The initial binary and dependency packages for Krimpy have been released. Our plan is to postpone zip releases of the source code until the project beomes a bit more stable. As always, the code is available through CVS. We are working on a quickstart document... to be released soon.

Posted by Jackie Treehorn 2003-04-24